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After Marco had calmed me down enough he told me to grab my things and meet him in the manager's office. I was confused at first, was he going to make me face my manager? But after I had everything and made sure Valentina had everything I went to the office only to see Marco leaning against the desk. The room was completely bare except for the desk, office chair and the couch on the far wall.

"What's going on?" I ask him. I haven't seen this office so clean before, my manager always has stuff scattered around the room.

"Welcome to your new office amore." He said, at first I was confused but then it clicked.

"W-what?" I must be wrong. He wouldn't give me the position of manager when he hardly knows me or my work ethic. He chuckles at my confused state and walks over to where I'm standing.

"You are now the manager of Le'Classico" he said and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. I had to admit that his accent made the words sound so much more desirable.

"Why? I'm just a waitress!" I said. He chuckled again, the sound made my throat dry. I've had two encounters with this man and he's already changing my life. The real question is; is that a good thing? Or a bad thing?

"Because you have earned this job from what I have seen. Now stop complaining and come." He shrugged it off like nothing and walked out of the room, what in the hell? I snapped out of my trance and followed him out to the alley I was in before. I groaned when I heard Valentina whining. But a huge smile took place on my face when I heard why she was whining.

"Nuggets are better!" She said and flicked her hair over her shoulder. I almost laughed out loud at the action that looked so cute when she did it.

"You don't know what you're talking about little girl, burgers are obviously better." Ace stated. Is he seriously having an argument about this, with a 3 year-old? I heard Marco, besides me, chuckle slightly.

"Nooo you're wrong Acey!" She stomped her foot and frowned adorably.


"Ace you're fighting with a girl twenty years younger than you, and still you're loosing." Marco stated, his silver eyes full of amusement and adoration? I haven't really appreciated his eyes. They are usually a cold silver with a small hint of green but when he sees something he adores they go soft and seem to melt in a way. When he sees something he doesn't like, earlier for example, they seem to hold anger and are a mixture of cold and something else. It's quite interesting and hot.

"I'm not loosing" Ace states proudly, he crosses his arms over his chest and tilts his head up slightly. I giggle softly at Valentina as she makes fun of his actions behind his back. Marco shakes his head with a grin on his face.

"That's not what it looks like from here." I giggled and pointed at Valentina as she made funny faces at Ace's back. He whipped his head around and glared at the little girl. He leaped for her but she squealed and ran over to Marco and hid behind his leg. Ace went to pick her up but Marco crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow, Ace immediately stopped and started mumbling under his breath which sounded a lot like 'guard dog'.

"I'll get you little one. Just you wait" Ace said in a playful manner, Valentina giggled and poked her tongue out at him.

"Hands off my princess." Marco warned. I burst out laughing and they turned to me questionably. Where was Angelo this entire time?

"What are you laughing at?" Ace said and narrowed his eyes at me.

"She has you two wrapped around her tiny little fingers." I stated with a grin, I looked down to see Valentina smiling innocently.

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