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I pull my phone out of my pocket to check the caller I.D and my face immediately pales.

'DAD' the phone screen reads. I gulp nervously and answer the phone, I can see Marco listening to me.

"Hello?" I say softly, not trying to anger him.

"Where. The. Fuck. Are. You." He spits angrily, oh no. What if he found out what happened? My dad has met my manager a few times.

"Work" I whisper, I almost cross my fingers like a child hoping that he didn't know I was lying. I heard a scoff from the other line.

"I didn't know I raised you to lie." He said.

"I'm not lying." I lied again.

"If you aren't home in 10 minuets you're going to regret it." He spat and hung up the phone. I gulped down the fear and looked back to the table where everyone was looking at me. I would have to take Valentina to Rosa's.

"Val we need to go." I say quietly.

"Noooo!"  She whines. I hate that I have to take her away from the guys since she seems to like them a lot.

"You need to go see Rosa, Val" I said and stood up. Too bad I didn't get to eat my food that I was looking forward to.

"I can take her after you two finish eating." Marco suggests.

"I-I have to go c-can you take her when s-she's done?" I ask.

"Emma you need to eat." He says sternly, I shake my head.

"It's urgent, thank you for taking her." I mumble quickly and give Valentina a kiss on the cheek and walk out of the diner. I rush down the streets, fear taking over my body knowing that it's going to at least take 20 minutes to walk home. I practically run home and when I get to the front gate of the ugly house I immediately freeze. There's an unfamiliar car in the driveway. Fuck. I cautiously walk up to the front door and I'm immediately grabbed by my hair.

"I said 10 minuets ! It's been 30 minuets!" My father roared in my ear. I let out a yelp when he threw me to the floor roughly. I heard a laugh from the lounge room, I raised my head and locked eyes with my manager. Well I guess he's just Fred now since he's not my manager anymore.

"I-I'm s-sorry" I stuttered. He kicks my ribs roughly.

"Not good enough!" He shouted and kicked me again. I whimpered.

"Now" He said standing up straight. "Who is this guy you are sucking up to?" He continued.

"N-No one-e" he scoffs and picks up an empty beer bottle and chucks it at my head. I scream when it smashes on my face. I see blood drip down to the floor.

"Stop lying!" He screams.

"I'm not sucking up to anyone!" I yell back, I see more fury flash through his eyes. I shouldn't have yelled. His next words make me shake in fear and tears to spring to my eyes.

"Yell at me again and I'll fucking kill you." He said deadly calm.

"You'd kill your own daughter?" I cry.

"Yes" he answered simply. He started to stalk towards me, I quickly got up onto my feet, ignoring the pain, and ran out the front door. It had just started raining so by the time I got to the front gate I was soaked.

"GET BACK HERE BITCH!" He ran after me but I was already running down the road. To say he was unfit was an understatement, all he does is drink 24/7. I don't think I've had a conversation with him when he's sober in atleast 8 years. I don't stop running until I reach Rosa's house, I run up to the front door and knock frantically while looking behind me to make sure I wasn't followed. As soon as the door opened I ran inside, which startled the other three people in the room.

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