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The small gathering of people in the graveyard all stay silent as they listen to a three year old girl sob on her knees in front of the soft brown coffin, the sun shining on her as if the day was a day of celebration. It certainly was not. Valentina Storm can't seem to stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks, even if it has been two weeks since her older sister was shot.

Ace stands behind the girl and tries to keep his own tears at bay, he promised her that he'd be strong for her little sunflower. He wished he drove faster, he wished he was able to save his best friends girl. If only he reacted faster, she would still be here if he did.

Theo Storm leans against a tree 50 meters away from the funeral, not being able to stand there and watch his sister being lowered into the soil forever. He knows he should be there supporting little Valentina, but he doesn't deserve to be there. Robert said it himself, it was his fault that she was dead, if he didn't put her in danger then she would be alive now. She would have married Marco eventually and they would have given him little nieces and nephews. Oh god how he failed her. Not only once but several times, he left her alone with abusive parents after he promised to protect her forever, he never came back.

Theo lets out a heartbreaking sob as he sinks to the ground, why couldn't he keep his promises? Why did she have to pay for his stupid actions. He continues to tear himself apart until he hears light footsteps approaching him, he doesn't bother looking up at the person. He's very surprised when Bambi crouches down next to him and pulls him into a hug. He has spent the last two weeks pushing everyone away, including her. He doesn't reject her hug, needing the comfort. Bambi presses her lips together as he sobs into her shoulder, trying to prevent her own tears.

Marco Dimitrov sits in the corner of his room half dressed in one of his black suits, he only got halfway into it before he broke down in a rage which lead to him sobbing so hard it hurt his chest. He was so close to having everything he wanted, to having the girl he wanted. He sits with his head in hands in pain, shame, rage. He can't seem to find the energy to do anything, not without her by his side.

It had been a month since she had taken the shot, caught in the crossfire. It had been a month without her and all those who loved her, a month without her sweet smile and reassuring presence. Her absence had shaken everyone, all of them unable to shake the dark cloud of her death away from them.

The funeral was supposed to be their way to say goodbye, to move on from the pain and the grief, but not one of them had. Valentina was trying, her nightmares and panic attacks were still at their peak, but every night she had her guardian angel to comfort her in his arms as he too cried out his grief with the little girl.

Because Emma Storm would never be forgotten to there people. Theo would never be able to drink her away from his heart, no matter how hard he drank, how hard he cried and fought, she was still there. She was still there waiting for her older brother to come home when he promised too.

She would never lay her head in Marcos soft sheets again, or leave her hair in his pillow cases that he would always fondly roll his eyes at. She would never be there to love them through their hard times anymore.

Marco sits at his desk, his mind elsewhere as he blankly stares out the window observing Valentina sitting in the garden with Theo, the siblings unfamiliar with each other in a heartbreakingly way. He clenches his jaw at the slice of pain that brings him, knowing that she would have helped their connection blossom beautifully.

"Marco." Ace speaks gently, breaking his thoughts and making him turn to face his lifelong friend. The lack of sleep is obvious on his face, much like his own. He knows that he blames himself for her death, for something that he had no control over.

He simply raises his eyebrow as he waits for him to speak, observing him carefully.

"They're here." He says as he squares his shoulders uncomfortably, Marco's stare enough to make the hair on the back of his neck rise. Marco hums and motions with his hand for them to be let in, his voice rarely used now that she was gone.

Two men are dragged into the room, handcuffed and beaten to a pulp. Their once shiny and prestige uniforms now torn and ruined. Marco stands and sits leaning against the front of his desk, his arms crossed against his chest as he tilts his head to the side.

"Now boys." His raspy voice says calmly, staring at the two men who shake in his presence.

"You're going to tell me the names of every single man who followed Roberts cause." He says as he takes two threatening steps closer with a deadly smirk.

"And then i'm going to kill you just like he killed my girl."

Now listen i know it's been so so long since i updated but i started writing this book when i was 17 and well life happens.

i hope you enjoy the last part of this book! all of your support really means so much to me and of you want to continue following my writing i post on tumblr under the user @ holy-stevie :)

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