Exploring the other half pt. 1

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Enjoy~ Part two coming up soon. Make sure to answer the question at the end :)



"You know Y/n, you should totally try this thing!" Feliks smiled.

"Ah, I don't know... A DNA test?" You asked back. 

"Yeah. Like, Alfred sent me an email about it and he thinks you should do one. I mean, your cousin across the pond is doing it too." He told you. "Plus, he sent me a kit anyways so it's all set to go." He commented, pulling out a box.

"You have the randomest thing Feliks." You laughed before cuddling up to him. "Should I really?" You wondered. "What if I'm not happy with the results? I'm happy knowing I'm a proud Belarusian." You pouted.

"The absolute worse thing that could happen is that I find out we're related. That would be absolutely impossible." He laughed at himself. 

"Yeah... That's true. Okay! I'll try it." You take the box and look it over. After following the instructions inside, you mail it back out and go back to cuddling with your boyfriend. "Do you think I should tell my mother though?" You looked at him.

"Kurwa! I forgot about her. You probably should." He grimaced. 


"Canadians are pretty diverse Mattie. Imagine what you would discover." Alfred argued with your dad.

"Ask Y/n then. See if she wants to." Was all he said before heading to the kitchen, mumbling something about fries.

"So, what do you say Kiddo?" Alfred smiled brightly.

"I know I'm French and British." You commented back.

"What if you're more?" He asked you. You stayed silently for a few moments.

"Give it." You mumbled.

"Go ahead!" 

And thus you left, curious about what you would discover.


"But what if I'm more british than you think?" You argued to your dad.

"Nonsense! Your french will come out more!" He grinned. "Please? Try it for papa" 

"No, why don't you take it?"

"I can't!" He whinned.

"Well we're both in a pickle then."

"Je te donne un 20 et tu le fais sans questions." He told you, showing you a bill. 

"Tu me connais bien." You smiled, taking the box and the money.


"A DNA test Lukas? Why?"

"I want you to call me big brother" He commented.

That's a lil weird. That'd make my boyfriend my brother, or my step brother at most... You shivered at the thought. "I'm good..." You mumbled. "I'll just call you big brother if you want though..." You offered.

"but it's even better if you were my little sister though." He got closer to you creepily.

"FINE FINE I'LL TAKE THE TEST!" You exclaimed before leaving. "Just stop your eyes from doing the glowing red thing!" You told him. 

"Works every time." He chuckled, passing you the little package. 

"I highly doubt I'm your sister. Remember who my father is." You mumbled, reading the label. 

"You never know"

"Then I'd have to break up with Emil if I discovered I was related to both of you."

"I'll just take the box back then..." He reached for the box to take it out of your hands, but you backed up.

"You got me to want to take it so now I will. No Take backsies." You pouted before running with it.

"My otp must stay together~!" He smiled.


"A DNA test?!" your father looked at you skeptically. "Where's you get that stupido idea from?"He asked you, sipping his black coffee.

"I heard the others were doing it too so I asked for one from the French girl."  You answered smiling. "Per favore?" You pleaded.

'You're Italian. Your mother was also mostly Italian, so were her parents and their parents. You are almost pure breed Italian." 

"Now, I might not be the smartest but I know you're slightly darker than the average Italian." You mumbled back.

"I said almost." You dad drank the rest of his coffee. "A little bit Arab here," He pointed to himself. "but not very much. If you take after your uncle a bit, then you'll have Germanic, but you're my daughter and you aren't Germanic." He finished before standing up and stretching.

"You haven't sworn yet."

"It's too fucking early for that right now." He cursed, walking into the house. 

"Ah, there it is~"


"Oh I think you'll have some from all of us!" Mei exclaimed happily. 

"I don't think so. M/n appeared quite Chinese." Lien countered.

"Nu-uh! M/n had Blue eyes! Her hair was a bit wavy too!" Mei argued back. "Look at Y/n's face shape! It's more oval maybe? Probably some Japanese descent!" 

"I'm staying with my initial choice." Lie sipped her tea before placing her hat back over her head. "Now can I return to my rice field please?" She asked.

"Fine! but you gotta make me some Phở later!" Mei called out.

"alright! Tell Yao that's what we're having for dinner then." She called back, closing the door. 

"What I wanna know is if y/n is Korean at all? korea is the best country after all!" yong soo happily stated.

"That statement is debatable."  You answered back.

"Looking at most statistics, she would have more probability of having european than Korean." Leon claimed.

"Korean influence beats British and French by a long shot!" Yong soo argued.

"sure." Leon answered back.

While everyone was fighting over which you would have, you ended up just following all the instructions and mailing it before the discussion ended. You were excited to know back.


So, everyone, I want you all to comment what you all think the results would be in the VOTE chapter i made. You got the info there

I'll give a shout-out to the one who got the closest for each of them, but they aren't completely set in stone yet till i update. And knowing me, it could be in the next few hours or in  a looooooong time. but the chapter is almost done so it should be the hours option.

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