My OC 1: Elias

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Name: Elias

Age: 16

Height: 5'9

Look: Lavender skin, long pointed ears, eggplant purple hair (shaved on sides, long top lays to her right), triangle figure, round face, yellow sclera, purple irises

Personality: Reserved and quiet, constantly on edge. Once she gets to know someone she is very loving and protective. She's compassionate to the less fortunate and short tempered with cruel people.

Birth-sign: Scorpio

Gender/Pronouns: Genderfluid

Sexuality: Pansexual

Outfit(s): Gray crop top, blue jeans, black boots, black jacket and black mask

Weapon: Either her Father's dao sword or her mother's Galra blade

Love interest(s): None (I'm unsure but I may come up with some)

Species: Half human, half Galra

Family: Mother- Votragg (deceased); Father- River (deceased)

Hobbie(s): Drawing, writing

Unique traits/abilities: Three blue stripes on her shoulders of many shades of blue. She's also a master at stealth and strategy.

Alliance: None

Song(s) that relates to them: Gotta Let go-Hollywood Undead, Your Body is a Machine- The Good Natured.

Alignmen: True Neutral, may lean towards Chatic neutral at times and very rarely, Chaotic Evil.

Backstory: Her mother crashed on Earth and met River. They had Elias but when Elias was 10 her parents argued over her future. Zuthrin killed River in her rage. After a year, as Zuthrin finished fixing her ship, Elias was attacked by a pack of wolves. She died and left Elias alone. After five years. Elias broke into the Garrison to see if they had any information on the Galra the night Shiro returned to Earth. That's when her journey with the paladins began.

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