Chapter 23

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                                                    The Promise
Elsa's POV:
                 It's been three months since we finished our studies we all friends were in Australia and Jack even won his first case which was really exciting to celebrate first we all went to a restaurant then after one day me and Jack went out on a picnic it was the place where he taught me to drive motorcycle.

We were laying down on the cold and soft grass near the lake holding hands and staring at the beautiful sky talking about our relationship and remembering the first ever fight we had and how we survived it we had little ups and downs but we were fine it's been five years since we became official we were really happy together.

"Elsa....?"Jack said I looked at him he was also looking at me I gestured him to tell me what it was.

"I Love You and Will you promise me Elsa that you will never change?"He gave my hand a little squeeze I fully turned to him and cupped his cheek and gently placed my lips on his he kissed back smiling we slowly broke the kiss I looked into his cyan blue eyes.

"I promise"I said smiling genuinely he slowly kissed my forehead and brought me closer to him hugging me I feel so safe in his arms.

"Elsa.....?"I giggled a little.

"What?"I asked looking up at him.

"But there is something that I want to change about you"He said my eyebrows cringed in confusion and worry was it something bad?

"What is it?"I asked worried.

"Your last name"He whispered in my ear I quickly sat up in shock he sat up as well.

"Elsa I want to make you mine forever, I want to see you everyday with me under the same roof, I want to make you smile everyday, I want to tell you everyday face to face that I Love You, I want to always be with you in every little moment, Elsa will you marry me? I know I'm not perfect but I am perfect when I am with you Elsa you make me perfect and complete and-uh and-uh I forgot what to say next sorry damn I practiced the whole thing!"He said nervously smiling from ear to ear taking a white napkin out of his pants pocket I giggled a little at his silliness he slowly opened it there was a beautiful, breathe taking ring in it there were two snowflakes designed on it and small diamonds were decorating the snowflakes the ring was really familiar I don't know why?.

"Elsa I want to make you mine forever, I want to see you everyday with me under the same roof, I want to make you smile everyday, I want to tell you everyday face to face that I Love You, I want to always be with you in every little moment, Elsa w...

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"And sorry that I had to give you the ring in a napkin actually the box wasn't getting in my jeans pocket"I giggled at his childlessness I tightly hugged him as few tears escaped my eyes I was so much happy.

"Yes!! Yes!! Yes!!"I said nodding my head again and again as my tears won't stop getting out of my eyes stupid tears!! He looked a bit shocked then hugged me back tightly like he don't want to let go.

The Princess And Me _(Jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now