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I'm redoing this story. The other chapters I just couldn't continue. It wasn't what I wanted so instead I'm gonna make this more the story. It will be based off a friendship that is now strained and broken. He wants to become friends and she resists. You can only imagine the drama. Let me know ASAP if you want me to continue this.

"Ahhh Y/n you need to start calling me oppa I am older then you!" Says the brown haired boy standing on top of the sandbox proud to be here. I roll my eyes and look at him.
"Taehyung I'm only six I can't be tied down with a boyfriend."
"Who said I wanted you to be my girlfriend?" He pouts as I shrug.
"You just look like you want me to be ok?" I say sassing him back picking up sand throwing it in his hair.
"Hey what the heck?" He complains before grabbing my wrist.
"Y/n one day you'll be my wife and then you will be forced to call me oppa." He smirks as I sigh.
"You wish."

time skip to age eleven

"TAEHYUNG!" I shout as the boy shoot up in bed next to me.
"Oh my god what the heck it's three in the morning.?" He says instantly falling down.
"IDOIT I COULDN'T GET YOU TO WAKE UP YOU WERE CRUSHING MY POOR ELEVM YEAR OLD BODY!" I shouted as he didn't respond probably because he was already back asleep. I sighed laying back down next to him and snuggling right back where I was.
"I'm sorry I hurt you. I never would do that unless you deserved it." He whispers wrapping an arm around me. I sighed falling back asleep.

"oppa what does this mean I don't get it?!" I say confused over a math problem.
"Ahh look I'll help just do this instead." He says as I look at the paper focusing as much as I could.
"Thank you taehyung oppa!" I say hugging the boy.
"Of course Y/n." He smiles as i smile back sipping on my apple juice.

"I love you so bad!" Taehyung sings as I smile.
"Ahh taehyung oppa you need to audition I wanna see you sing in front of the world!" I stress to the boy as he sighs.
"Should I? I feel like I suck."
"Shut up your amazing but when you dance this is what I wanna see." I say standing up and showing him a part of my dance routine. I've danced since a young age and gave him some basic movements.
"Y/n your so good at dancing why can't I be you." He says pretending to be a fan girl.
"Oh is that right?" I say grabbing his hands twirling him around as we danced crazily. I laughed as he smiled and smiled while he laughed.
"I love you." He whispers pulling my tiny body into a hug.
"I love you to." I say back singing into his warm embrace.

"Now as I walk us to school you have to let those boys in your classes know what if they touch you they go through me." Says tae as I laugh.
"I don't have any friends other then you."
"Ahh baby you will. One day." Tae exclaims rubbing my hair on my small head.
"I hope your right." I say as I grab his hand with hope.

time skip age 15

"Y/n I need to talk to you." Taehyung says as I sigh.
"Is it about that boy in my class who you fought because I would love an explanation." I groan to the older boy who looks down.
"I'm moving schools." He says as I cock my head.
"You can't be serious?" I say as he bites his lip.
"I'm moving to a school far far away. It's for young boys who will use what they learn to go into a secret work force."
"Your lying you can't leave me who am I gonna talk to in the ratchet ass school?" I complain as I see a tear fall down his face.
"So your just gonna leave my ass in Daegu?" I say as he sighs.
"Yep and I'm sorry."
"Will you promise me something?" I ask as he nods.
"Please at least try to audition for a kpop group. Your voice is angelic and sexy." I laugh as he laughs back sniffling I continue.
"I love you and I don't ever think I won't love you so please don't loose contact with me." I say wiping a tear away. He nods fast enveloping me into an embrace.
"I'll miss my future wife everyday." He says as I laugh.
"In your dreams." I laugh.
"What am I gonna do without you." He says.

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