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I walked hand in hand with Jin instead of riding in the company car.
"It's way more fun like this anyways." He smiles as he points to certain things along the way. He showed me some of his favorite things and told me stories about the others.
"Ahh I remember when I first met taehyung." He laughs as I smile.
"The first time I met him I beat him up." I say with a smirk. Jin looks at me tilting my head up in his hands.
"Your gorgeous don't make me jealous." He says as I stare into his eyes. Jin is just so hot. I can't help myself but think wow what a better alternative to taehyung.  However taehyung is my husband so.
"Jin stop your such a flirt." I smile back biting my lip.
"Anyways, when I first met taehyung he was odd. He would always talk in this alien like language and play with his food. He still was a child at heart and had no maturity whatsoever." He says and then sighs.
"Him and I got in a fight last night."
"Over what?" I ask worried expression on my face.
"You." He says looking down at me.
"Why me?" I say confused as hell.
"It's because he thinks that he can just come out here and scoop you up and not let the others learn about you. He is protective of you and if we talk about you he gets freaked out." Says Jin a tad shook. I sighed shaking my head.
"That bastard doesn't own me the fuck."
"That's what I said and then he and I fought about it and haven't talked all day." Jin sighed as I sighed next.
"Let me talk to him and don't freak out." I say as the boy next to me nods and takes me into an apartment building. We walk into the home of the seven boys and I was pleasantly surprised. It was way cleaner then I thought.
"NOONA!!" Shouted jungkook as I went over and hugged him.
"Hey bud." I say ruffling his hair. He's to cute. I then hugged the two other boys, chim and hobi, and sat down.
"Taehyung is throwing a fit hyung" Says Jimin to him as he rolls his eyes.
"He's really upset with you." Says suga walking out of a room and grabbing a bag of chips before disappearing into the room again.
"Let me talk to him?" I say as I stood waiting for one of them to take me to the room. I was guided by hoseok to a room down a hallway. He opened the door for me as I walked in. Taehyung sat there eyes bloodshot and bags showing a lack of sleep. He looked annoyed and I never ever saw hime like that in my entire life.
"Y/n you should know your mine." He growled walking over to me.
"You wish taehyung. I don't belong to anyone. I'm not a piece of property that you own!" I say back as he pinned me against the wall.
"Stop hanging all over my hyung understood?" He says clearly referring to soekjin.
"Why I'm teaching him on the side. Not everyone can dance as good as some." I fight back as I feel his breath on my neck.
"You know that I don't like to share."
"Taehyung." I breathed in anger. He didn't move but instead took a strand of my hair and put it behind my ear.
"Y/n you look breathtaking but I don't want you leaving the house looking like this ever again."
"Oh good god." I say shoving him off and walking out the door. Annoyed was an understatement to how I was feeling. I walked into the living room and sat there pissed off.
"Uh oh." I hear jungkook whisper behind me.
"Hey Jin?" I ask turning around biting my lip.
"What's up?" He says busy cooking some food.
"You and I are going out tomorrow night! I'll pick you up here at six." I smirked and turned around.
"Y/n you are a bad bad girl." Says taehyung and walks away. Karma is a bitch tae tae.
"Y/n did you do that just to piss him off?" Laughs namjoon as I smile.
"Yep He should know not to fuck with me. Calling me his and shit isn't ok with me. Women should never be treated like and object." I say as I walk into the kitchen. There was some really good looking food sitting there so I decided to eat some when they weren't listening. I picked up a pice if chicken and stuck it in my mouth.
"Holy fuck this chicken makes me nut!"

Jin turns around shook as hell.

"Did I just say that out loud?!" I say as the boy nods. I bust out laughing as he is still confused.
"How does chicken make you nut goodness Y/n your insane!" He laughs with the ICONIC windshield wiper sounding laugh. I laugh as me and jungkook drool over the food. When it's all done we sat without taehyungs grumpy ass.
"Thanks for cooking and having me jin." I say as he smiles.
"Of course Y/n anytime."

The food was amazing and I was absolutely shook at the amount he made. We tried are best to eat as much as we all could but we couldn't do good enough damage.

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