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"Come on lets go to the park!" He whined and I laugh.
"Ok ok fine." I respond lacing my hand with his. We walked silently around and admired the gorgeous scene in front of us. We stopped at the middle of the bridge looking over at the fish swimming underneath us.
"Y/n I seriously wanted to ask you something." Says taehyung nervously. I look to him noticing his figure slightly stand offish.
"You can ask me anything tae." I say and he bites his lip slightly.
"You and that taeyong guy don't have anything going on. Not that I care if he makes you happy then go for it. I just couldn't help but notice the way you worked together when you preform. It's scary." He says and I smile
"Are you jealous to?"
"What no I'm not I'm just worried." He says and I laugh.
"Taeyong is jelly of you and your jelly of him. You guys are idiots."
"What why is he jealous of me?" He questions.
"Taeyong has a small thing for me but I never ever had anything for him. My heart was always given to you. He knows this and everytime j talk about you he tells me that you'll just break my heart." I said my expression starting to get gloomier.
"I want him to be my friend but as the days go on I can't help but feel his attraction towards me grow but as that happens my ability to give myself to you become more real. I'm in a pickle and someone is going to get hurt." I sighed and a tear falls down my cheek. He wraps his arms around me and rests his head on top of my own.
"You know I love you and you love me. If you don't love Taeyong then why is it such a big deal. He will forgive you especially if he loves you. I don't want to sound selfish but I've waited to find you and now that I have I can't let you slip from my fingers. I've done it way to many times. I won't be aggressive to others when they touch you. I'll let you have more male friends. I'll be less possessive. I figured out that in order to keep you j need to be different. I was being childish. I wasn't trusting enough of you and I shouldn't have thought that. I want you so bad Y/n. I love you so much it hurts." He scribes kising my temple.
"I love you to taebae." I laugh pulling his shirt and bringing my lips to his. We both smiled into the kiss we shared.
"So will you finally take me back Y/n?" He asks and I smile.
"I guess I can but let me warn you taehyung. I said this the last time but this time I truely mean it. Don't be an asshole or I'll dump you in the trash." I laughed and he picks me up spinning me 
"Today is the happiest day of my lifw." He screams and I laugh. I'm set down and he brings his lips to my own for a second.
"I love you." I wisper into his chest.
"I love you more, come on I know some people who really missed you." He says guiding me to the dorm I knew well.
"NOONAAAA!!!" Screams jungkook when he sees me. I run and hug my best friend and laugh as he tackles me.
"Yah Kookie get off." I groan and he helps me up.
"Jinnieeee oppa!!" I say and run over to the older. I hug him softly and he smiles.
"I wanted to apologize to you and I'm sorry." I say and he smiles.
"I'm the one who should apologize. I'm sorry for being in the way but I want you to know that I've moved on and I'm not gonna bother with you two anymore." He says and I smile.
"Hey joonie." I squeal and hug the tall boy.
"We missed you Y/n." He says. I proceeded to a group hug with the other three and exchanging of small conversations.
"Come on eat with us we've missed you. I'll get your plate setting." Says Jin and I smile nodding.
"Thank you." I respond and I notice taehyung smiling like a dork over near the door.
"What's up with you." I laughed.
"I missed seeing you and the boy together. They love you like your a part of our family." He says kissing my forehead grabbing my hand.
"I love them like family to. Its been hard cutting them off. I occasionally talked to jungkook but that's because we were always close friends and I trusted him. I missed the others though it's nice to be back here with you." I grin kissing his cheek. I walked over and the kitchen was filled with so many goodies. I grabbed some food and put it on my plate inhaling it as quickly as I could.
"Wow this is as good as I remember." I groaned and Jin laughs.
"I still remember when we first met when you told me the chicken made you nut." He laughs and I sigh.
"I'm so sorry about that still to this day." I groan a tad embarrassed.
"It's ok love if chicken makes you nut I guess I'll just have to become a chicken." taehyung says and the others immediately loose their shit. I feel my face heat up and I slap him.
"Was that appropriate you sick fuck."
"It is defintily appropriate." He says planting a quick kiss on my nose sweetly. I smile and continue to eat slightly annoyed. I finished and said good bye to the others.
"Thank you for walking me. I could've got a ride to th building though." I say and he smiles.
"It's wrong for me not to walk my girlfriend to practice" he smiles leaning over placgin a small kiss on my head.
"I missed you seriously. It wasnt right of me to act the way I did and I'm sorry. I defintily miss my best friend and I'm glad to have him back." I say softly to the older boy.
"I missed my best friend to. She's pretty great but I hope she knows o don't just think of her as my best friend." He says smiling at the end of his sentence.
"How do you feel about her then?" I ask and he pulls me in close.
"I'm so deeply head over heels for her it makes me go crazy." He wispers and places his lips on my own.

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