Change in the coding (fwuff near the end)

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Markus shoved the gun back, pressing it more into Collins forehead. Collin just stood there, body pressed to the wall as he heard Markus's finger clicking the trigger slightly.
"So, Collin.. your not deviant however, you found your way here. Did you follow Connor?" Collin merely nodded very slowly.

Connor shook his head violently, Collin wasn't a full android, he had signs of deviant.
"Markus, he's not a full android, don't hurt him." Connor walks past Kara and Luther, nearing North and passing her. He set his hand on Markus's shoulder reassuringly.
"Markus, let him off." Connor looked up at Collins blue eyes, his LED was red but was slowly leveling to yellow as Markus turned to Connor.

"Connor, he followed you here. He can't tell the department that we are here or else the rest of the deviant population will die." Markus slowly lowered the gun from Collins head subconsciously.
"No, they won't. I'll be sure of it." Connor looks up at Collin who was carefully watching the gun fall from his pale forehead. Once it fell almost all the way Collin let out a shaky relived breath.

"You had better not let it happen.." Markus turns his attention away from Connor and back to Collin.
"I won't kill you, you don't deserve it but I swear to RA9. You speak to the police about this place and you wont be happy about the consequences." Collin nods, looking at Connor and growling slightly.

"I won't." Collin says, his voice skipping slightly his nails attacked his skin again and Connor noticed this.
"Stop getting anxious, this is Markus, Luther, Kara, Alice, and the one over there is North." Connor gestured his hand over to the girl who was leaning against the walls of the room, glaring at all of them.

Collin waves gingerly, Luther smiles in return as Kara says a hello. Markus and Alice stayed quite, Alice soon tipped her head and gently let go of Kara and walked to Collin slowly.
Collin tips his head as he looks down at Alice slowly creeping up to him. He crouches down to her level, holding his hand out slightly.

'Collin, she doesn't need to sniff you first. She's not a dog.' Connor thinks as he watches Collins every small move, his other hand started to scratch at itself. Alice walked closer, with each step she took Collins hand scratched harder at himself.

"Please don't allow us to get shut down, Collin." Alice says softly, setting her hand in Collin's a small memory flash running through the male Androids mind. He shuts his eyes then suddenly opens them, pulling his hand away gently but quickly.
"Don't worry, hun.. I won't let any of you get shut down. I promise." His nail broke the skin over his thumb and blue blood started to run down his finger and to the floor.

"Thank you." She says and walks back to Kara, Collin gets up setting the back part of his thumb into his mouth to get the blue blood off.
"Alright, it was nice seeing you all again today." Connor nods as he looks around, seeing a window they could get out of.
"Come on, Collin.." Connor grabs Collins wrist and started walking to the window, Markus followed for a while then gives up and walks back to the group.

Soon, after Collin and Connor had made their way out the window and back down to the ground. Collin's thumb had long fell from his mouth, blue blood ran down his chin slightly and splotched over his shirt. Connor smirks slightly, his hand still around Collins wrist he started to pull quickly as he ran to a darker area of the large old, abandoned docking area.

"Alright Collin," Connor spots a wall and throws Collin up to it, he pins Collin against it. Both hand over his wrists, Connor looks up at Collin with less of a submissive look unlike next time.
"Let's see how the blood tastes." Connor leans up against Collin and gently runs his tongue up Collin's chin to his lips. Dark blue blood getting weaved between Connors lips and tongue.

Collin sucks in his breath as his bottom lip found it's way under his teeth. He bit it gently, holding there as Connor licked over Collins teeth gently and bit his upper lip. Causing Collin to let go of his bottom lip and kiss Connor aggressively. Lifting his hands up slightly, Collin managed to grab Connors wrists, spinning him around and pressing him against the wall. Now Connors wrists were pressed to the wall, dark blue blush crossed over both of their cheeks. This was new for both of them and Connor had started it.

"Heh, this was all your fault." Collin says softly as he pulls away, Connors lips were tinted a soft blue while there was dark blue blush over his cheeks.
"I know.. I didn't expect you to take me." Connor says grinning slightly, glancing down at Collin's hands over his wrists. Connor let's out a small sigh of contentment.
"C'mon Collin, let's go back." Connor mumbles slightly as Collin let's go of Connors wrists and they started to walk back.

-hehe.. end of chapter 4-

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