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Hank growls impatiently while glancing over at Connor who's coin flipped hand from hand in an anxious manor.
"Give me that.." Hank growls and snatches the coin from Connor, the android looks over to Hank then back down to the elevator floor as they were heading to Hanks office. Hank had managed to get his job back, thankfully, and was working full time at the police department again. The elevator stopped and Hank walked out, Connor following close behind with his arms hanging loosely by his sides. Connor followed Hank as he made his way to his desk, huffing, Hank sat down. Connor watched silently as Hank started to type rapid information about a new homicide they had recently found information for.

The phone suddenly rang, a loud noise that made Connor flinch a small bit. Hank grumbled and reached for the phone. "I swear to god if it's that fucking nut head Gavin.." Hank started, upon picking up the phone a familiar voice snaked out of the speakers.

"Hello Hank, someone brought in a new piece of scraped plastic for you to use with that other damned one." Gavins words hit Connor like a bullet to the head. "They're callen' 'em RK900. Or RK for short. C'mon and get this hunk of shit out of my office.." Gavin soon hung up after saying that, all of the nerves in Connors body tensed, he knew he shouldn't have been feeling worried but he was. The day had come that Amanda had actually brought in a new, faster, stronger, and more durable working android for the state police department.

Hank had long set the phone down and was looking up at Connor. "Let's go meet this; RK900.." Hank says gruffly as he got up, shoving his hands into his jacket pocket and started to walk to Gavin's office a few halls down from the main area Hank worked. Connor followed close behind, he was now ringing his hands from the worry of what this new android could do. Conors face and expression however, never changed. A calm, steady expression was set over his face as he stared at the floor.

Soon they made it, and there it was. The new sleeker version of Connor standing right next to Gavin, Hank gently kicked back at Connors shin to get him to look up at the new model. Connor looks up, suddenly getting taken aback. This RK900 really was a sleeker, more well built, better looking version than Connor. It looked almost like him, same dark brown hair, same pale red lips and pale skin. However his eyes were a sleek icy blue and his jacket was a color revert from Connors.

"Alright, so he's ours?" Connor hears Hank ask Gavin, Connors head spun in circles. He couldn't believe it, Amanda wasn't kidding when she said she'd bring him here. The worst part about this entire situation was that Connor had succeeded in the last mission.. almost.. so she had no right in making the department take another android for missions like his. "Yes. Now take this hunk of plastic shit outside my office. I don't want it here." Gavin commanded, setting his hand on RK900's back and shoving forward.

Hank watched as RK900 followed the shove and stood face to face with Connor, his lip twitching. Connor backed up a little subconsciously, his foot making a small thud on the ground as he stepped back. "Alright, come on RK. Let's get you away from this shit head.." Hank narrowed his eyes at Gavin, turning around and walking out without another word. RK900 and Connor followed, Connor trailed behind them a bit slower than usual to keep his vision down at the floor and away from the, new and improved version of himself.

They soon got back to Hank's desk, as they do Hank threw himself into his chair and looked at both Connor and RK900. A wave of emotions crashed over Connors programming as he took a look at RK. The other android didn't seem to want to talk much, his eyes focused on Hank with a determined expression over his face.

"Your just here to complete the mission. Nothing else?" Hank asks, grabbing a flask from the counter and taking a swig from it. RK900 nodded solemnly as he glances over at Connor. His icy blue eyes flash, pale skin glowing softly off the strange lighting from the ceiling and Hanks desk. He takes his eyes away from Connor and looks back over at Hank.

"Unlike my previous model, I will be sure to get my task completed when it needs to be completed." RK900 gave a small nod as he looks over at Connor with a dirty look, a devious smirk passing over his pale red lips. Connors LED fades quickly from blue to red back to blue. Hank sighs a bit as he noticed this behavior, both from RK900 and Connor, his head shook side to side slightly.

"Alright, seems fair enough. However we need to give you a name that isn't RK900.." Hank thinks for a bit, snapping his fingers. "Collin." He says, not even letting RK900 object. "We will call you Collin, however if you do not respond to that RK will do." Collin tips his head as his LED faded from yellow to blue.

"Collin..." The new android repeated, allowing the name to sink into his memory. "Okay." Hank huffs as he turns his chair around to face his computers. "Alright, now you two play nice and don't hurt each other. I've got work to do." Hank starts typing on his computer again with a solemn look on his face.

Collin looks over at Connor, grabbing his wrist tightly and started walking. "We will be back, Lieutenant." Conner calls as Collin drags him off, his hand tightly gripping around Connors wrist. Collin drags him down a few halls, shoving past officers. Once they were in a sort of private area behind a corner wall Collin slams Conners wrist onto the wall and does the same with the other one. Making Connor now pinned tightly up to the wall.

"Alright Connor." Collin spat angrily. "Listen to me and listen closely. I am better than you, stronger than you, more durable; I do however have my weaknesses, if you can find them. Good on you. But listen here and don't fuck my words up because I'm not going to repeat myself. Don't, get in the way of my mission, if you screw it up then you'll be the next on my very short hit list. Understand?" Collin growled as he looks into Connors eyes, blue eyes gleaming into dark brown, deviant hinted eyes.

"Understood Collin." Connor spoke softly and slowly. His head tilted down as he looked down at the floor, without lifting his head he looked up at Collin with a very submissive puppy dog eye look. "Understood." He says again. Collin growls at this, his LED going reddish purple. He was confused and flustered. 'Poor thing.' Connor thinks to himself and grins up at Collin.

"Good." Collin takes his hands away from Connors wrists, allowing them to fall back to Connors sides. Collin kept looking at Connor, lip twitching Collin turned around and walked off. He pulled out a lighter and started rolling it over his knuckles and around in his hand, flicking the flint so flame would pop off. Connor brushed himself off and watch Collin walk off briskly.

-end of chapter one-

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