A Normal Day

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Quick thank you to all those lovely people reading this you guys are what makes this work and keep going! Now please enjoy the first chapter.
- Me ❤

Rogue's Perspective!

I wake up and slowly bring my hand up to my eyes and rub them slightly. I feel extremely tired but that could've been helped if I didn't fuck my sleep up, but oh well. I feel around for my phone and soon find it and turn on my side to turn off my alarm and look at the time.


I'm glad I didn't have to wake up to my father down my throat telling me I'm going to be late. Hell I even had time to shower! I got up and quickly grabbed a simple black jacket, some black jeans, a red shirt, and some boxers and I hurried into the bathroom.

As I stand in the shower I feel like something is different. I feel okay today. I feel fine. This is rare. Usually only the pills make me feel this way. I scrub some shampoo in my hair and rinse it. I wonder why today feels so different. I put some conditioner in my hand and put it into my hair. As I let it sit in my hair I gently wash my body. Then I finally rinse my hair. I turn off the water as I finish rinsing the soap out of my hair and I grab my towel and dry off.


Oh that's my step brother. Gajeel is very loud in the morning for some reason.

"Relax Gajeel I'm almost done."

I dry off and quickly put on my clothes and put my hair up with spare hair tie in the bathroom and I open the door to see my half asleep step brother. Gajeel is actually a year older than me making him a senior. I'm only a junior right now.

"Finally took you long enough."

He pats my head and walks into the bathroom. He may be loud and seem like he hates me but he doesn't and its the little things that tell me that. I got in my room and grab my phone unplugging it from the charger.


Hey Rogue get your ass outside I'm about to be outside your place.

I grab my bag and exit my room. That text had been from Sting. He put in the contact on my phone and set his name to that. He changes it any time I change it to Sting so I've just given up. I walk into the kitchen and get a glass of water and my small orange bottle of pills. I take one and drink the water and put the glass in the sink. I grab a granola bar and walk outside to see Sting waiting in his car. I get in and start eating my granola bar.

"Hey Rogue how's the morning been? You actually woke up on time for once! Have you taken your medicine?"

Why is Sting so engergentic in the mornings?

"It was fine and yeah I manage to wake up at 5:50 and was able to shower before school. And I took my meds that last time I didn't you drove to my house during lunch to get them... I don't need a repeat of that."

He smiled at me. God I just love his smile it makes me feel safe.

"Hey that's good buddy! And yeah don't think I wouldn't do it again! Also were picking up Yukino today."

I nodded. And that was the end of the conversation. He understood I was quiet and even more so in the mornings. I don't dislike Yukino its just awkward because everyone in the whole school knows she likes me. Its just weird. I snap out of my thoughts as I hear Yukino.

"Hey guys and thanks so much again Sting."

"Yeah no problem Yukino."

And it was smooth sailing from there to school. Yukino thanked Sting once again and we went on our own ways. Sting and I had almost the same classes while Yukino only shared one with me. Sting and I walked to class and it went by as usual. It was horribly boring but I did my work while Sting being the class clown he is he laughed and talked to others in the class. And we walked to second period as soon as the bell rung.

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