how you met 🍑 losers

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you were at the park with your little sibling(if you don't have one, pretend you do) whilst they were away playing on the swing set, you sat down on a near by bench to keep watch. A tall boy approached you and asked if he could sit.
"Hi I'm Bill, do you mind if I sit here?"
"Hey, I'm (y/n) of course you can sit"
"So (y/n) are you here alone?"
"No, I'm here looking after my little sister/brother, are you here alone bill?"
"Nope, see that little boy over there on the swings? That's my little brother Georgie"
"cool, see the one next to him, that's
(y/s/n)" (your siblings name)
You guys hit it off and he invited you to go with him and is friends to the quarry the next day.

You were at the arcade playing street fighter. You walked away after beating the previous high score and went to get something to drink. As you returned you notice a cute boy with curly hair and glasses standing next to the machine.
"Who the fuck is (y/n/n)?(your nickname) and how the fuck did they score so high?"
You tapped the guy on the shoulder.
"(Y/n/n) would be me"
"Wow, you're hot and you know how to game! I'm Richie by the way but you can call me your daddy(cRINGE)"
You guys ended up staying and playing different games all day.

You had been pushed down my Henry Bowers on your way to school and ended up in Keene's Pharmacy buying band-aids when a small boy approached you.
"Do you need help at all?"
"Um yeah, I don't know whether to buy anti-bacterial cream for my cut. What do you think, should I get some?"
"Yes! Definitely, you don't want it getting infected"
"Thank you, I'm (y/n) and you are?"
"Oh, I'm Eddie, how'd you get that cut anyway?"
"Bowers. He did it to me when I was walking to school"
"Ah, anyway after you have paid, do you want me to walk with you to school?"
"Yes! I'd love that Eddie"
You guys became best friends after that.

You were new to Derry, you decided to go on a walk through the woods to look at the nature. Whilst walking you found the most adorable robin ever, you took your camera and just as you were about to take the photo a loud noise could be heard from behind you making the bird fly away.
"What the fuck!"
"Shit, sorry. I tripped up over this stupid branch, what are you doing in the woods anyway?"
"Not that it's any of your business but in bird watching, what are YOU doing creeping up on people?"
"I told you, I slipped and I'm out bird watching too, want to maybe do it together?"
"Sure, I'm (y/n)"
"Well (y/n) what a pretty name for a pretty person, I'm Stanley but you can call me Stan"
"I think I'd rather call you Stan, the Man"
"No, not you too"
You guys were inseparable ever since, you did everything together.

You were helping your uncle in the butchers shop when you heard a loud noise coming from out back. You went over and opened the door revealing a terrified looking boy.
"Are you okay?"
"Um yeah, Bowers and his gang just scared me, I'm mike, nice to meet you!"
"I'm (y/n), do you want some help bringing the meat in?"
"That would be wonderful, thank you (y/n)"
After you and mike brought all the meat in you and him spend to remainder of the day together.

You were in the library looking at the historical books when a cute chubby boy approached you.
"I was wondering if you maybe new where I would find the biggest book on Derry's history?"
"Oh, it's right here" you said whilst passing the boy the book.
"Thank you so much! I'm Ben, wanna read with me for a little while?"
"Sure! I'm (y/n)"
You both spent the day in the library reading about Derry's history. Upon your arrival home you looked in your bag noticing a poem, you smiled knowing it was from the boy from the library.

You were skipping your class to go and have a smoke break. Just as you arrived you noticed another person standing around your smoking area.
"Hey, do you have any cigs on you?"
"Yeah, I come here to smoke when I'm stressed. I'm (y/n), I'm assuming you'd like a cig?"
"I'm Beverly and yes, I'd love a cig"
You two made skipping class to smoke your tradition and you two became best friends, you saw Beverly as part of your family.

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