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Roseworth Academy is a special school meant for high schoolers who had special talents, specifically chosen by the school's headmaster. Each student was chosen for their individual talents from multiple views.

Some students of Roseworth Academy were h#%d$!%j^&%es$#...

They have been transferred over from the school life in a prestigious school to the worst of the worst, participation in a deadly killing game... in a hidden dome that no soul knows about.


"Wa.... up......."

"Wake up..."

"Sleepy-head, wake up!"

I open my eyes to find a boy with pale skin and yellow eyes shaking me awake. I murmured drowsily, "Mmmm...?"

"Yay! You're awake! Hiya!" The boy cheerfully waved. "Squibily dibbily doo! Another duba is awake!"

A gray haired young man casually strolls over, who looks similar in age to the other energetic boy, and crouches down next to me. "...I don't think I'll ever understand your language...." His voice was soft spoken and like a whisper, like the hoarseness of the morning.

Confused from the commotion, I did not say much. Who are they? What do they want from me? Where am I?

I looked around, seeing plenty more men and women both asleep and awake. I blinked even more in confusion as the eccentric one explained, "Ohoho! The little seed has discovered the other du-das!" He put up peace signs as the other calm one sighed.

The casual boy explained, "Before we tell you anything, let us introduce ourselves. My name is Grayson Blaecleah. I am the Ultimate Housekeeper. The person next to me with weird language is Alder Shay, Ultimate Jokester. Nice to meet you." He politely stuck out a hand in greeting, smiling kindly.

I reflected that smile. He's not bad and seems really nice, might as well introduce myself. I started, "My name is Oliver Hook. My ultimate talent is a guitarist. It is nice to meet you too." I reached out my hand as well and gave his hand a definite, yet gentle, shake.

The guy named Alder pouted, "Hey! Me want hand shake too! Hand shake, hand shake!"

I sighed, and shook Alder's hand too, saying, "...Nice to meet you too Alder."

Grayson patted Alder on the shoulder, "Calm down, you're going to scare him." He smiled kindly at him, "Find another person and try to wake them up, okay?"

Alder saluted to him as if he was a commander and nodded vigorously, "Okay Bose!" He dashed off into a hurry to shake another sleeping high schooler awake.

Grayson sighed as if he had to babysit him, "Geez that guy. Anyway, if you need any assistance with anything, please call me. I'd be glad to help."

Oliver grinned and nodded, "Thank you for offering. I'll take you up on that offer if need be." I bobbed my head politely and he did so back. He then stood up and chased Alder to calm down the eccentric boy and whoever he was waking up.

Danganronpa of Roseworth AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now