Last Minute Debut: 1

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Chapter 1: Last Minute Debut

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"This is the morning announcement!"

"Mmnm..." I slowly opened my eyes from hearing Monokuma's forever annoying voice.

"It is now 7 am! Night time is over! Wake up from yesterday's night, and see the new today!"

I sighed and instinctively mumbled, "Shut up Monokuma."

Scanning the area, I find myself in an unfamiliar room. Oh, that's right. Monokuma told us that we are participating in a killing game. This is my dorm room.

I was a fool in thinking that I'd wake up in my room, and this is all a dream. My dream of it being a terrible nightmare had been ripped to pieces.

It's... a killing game. Our goal is to escape.

I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared..... But we have to get through with it. Will, Captain, Collette, and Nadine are all going through with it. I have to be strong for them too.

I basically thought to myself for an hour or so with nothing to do.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, I heard a doorbell ring. Oh, I guess I was too tired to notice a doorbell outside my door.

I called, "Yes? Who is it?"

But there was no answer. Did they not hear me?

I sighed and strolled towards the door, unlocking and opening it. I sleepily murmured, "Hey... Who is i-? Oh, it's just you Will..."

I was tired from the day before and rubbed my eyes sleepily. He smirked, "Wake up Oli! We are all in the dormitory dining hall! Come with us! I'll explain on the way there!"

His energetic voice contrasted to my tired one had slightly awoken me. "Hm? Why the dining hall?"

Will playfully laughed, "Aha. I'll explain on the way there. Come on, change. I'll stay here and wait got it?"

I rolled my eyes and sarcastically nodded, "Yep. Whatever you say. Smile and nod."

"You jerk. Hehe!" He nudged me in the shoulder, "Don't go back on the bed got it?"

"Yeah yeah." I closed the door and changed into similarly identical clothes. They were the only ones available in the wardrobe.

When I opened the door again sleepily, Will grabbed my shoulders and shook me as my head bobbed back and forth. "Wake! Up!"

After the vigorous shaking, my head felt weird, but I was fully awake. I staggered a bit, "W-Well.. that's one way to wake me up. Don't do that without warning."

Will chuckled, "Okay! I'll find some other way of waking you up then."

I sighed, "I hope it's at least a little bit more sane."

From what Will and Captain have told me, it's difficult to fully get me awake unless there are drastic measures. Shivering on what Will had in mind, I thought about something else.

"Anyways, why are we all meeting in the dining room so early in the morning? Where's the dining room?" I questioned, not knowing how much the others have discovered about this place.

"That's right! You were one of those who slept early!" Will hammered his palm as if he had remembered, "Anyways, just passed this hallway, there is a door with a sign next to it that says Dining hall and kitchen. It's not that hard to find."

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