Last Minute Debut: 2

10 1 1

No no no no no no no.......

This is all some terrible terrible dream.

If someone doesn't kill someone in three days since yesterday, then... we're all going to die? What kind of madness is this?

Before the morning announcement has rung, I lifted myself off of my bed. I had less sleep than before and it was definitely uncomfortable.

But I have no idea what to do. Should I wait for all of us to die? Should we try and find an exit? Do we wait until someone kills someone?

Those thoughts have basically infected my mind ever since yesterday. While everyone was in shock, J suggested that we rest for the night when the night time announcement didn't even start. We agreed and went back to our rooms. I just stood in here for who knows how long before I finally fell asleep.

I sighed as I changed into my identical clothing in the wardrobe. It's almost time to go meet up in the dining room right? Might as well go early.

Now that I think about it, I've always been the last one to things. How about I make it on time for once?

After changing, I made my way towards the dining hall and ran into Quinn.

I tried to act cheerful despite my discomfort of the situation at hand, "Hey Quinn."

She expressionlessly blurted, "Hi," without even glancing at me once.

"Woah, someone's woken up at the wrong side of the bed," I joked, trying to be laid back like Will... a little bit...

She then glared at me in one sharp movement. No offense to Quinn, but it would be much more terrifying if she was... you know, taller?

I nervously smiled, "Eh... what? What did I say again?"

The blue haired demon sighed and turned her gaze back to straight ahead of her, not responding to me.

"Have I done something to drive you to ignore me?"

Quinn groaned and turned back at me again, "What about 'Don't talk to me' do you not understand? I don't trust you, and I don't want to. So leave me alone."

I frowned at that. Well, there goes my fake smile. "You never said 'Don't talk to me.' If you don't trust me, then I probably don't trust you either. Now good day to you, because I have some people to meet in the dining hall."

I sighed and sped up my pace. I glanced back for a second to find her frozen in place. I beckoned her to start moving and stopped walking as I waited.

She glared at me while we were both halted, "What do you want now?"

I raised a brow, crossing my arms, "Just because I said I don't trust you, doesn't mean I don't care. Come on, what'd you stop for."

Quinn exhaled and decided to give in, strolling to the dining hall while staying behind me.

I swear I heard something from her mouth and turned around for a moment, "Hm? Did you say something?"

Then she shook her head, "No, nothing."

I shrugged and didn't pay much attention to it. I opened the doors of the dining hall to find half of the people there already, socially interacting with one another.

My brothers were already there and they waved at me, and I greeted them in return.

"Hey! Oli! What's up?" He even did his best to act cheerful.

Captain was nervously smiling, "Hi."

"Haha... Nothing much, other than dragging Quinn here," I turned my head to find her gone. I shrugged, looks like she left.

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