Last Minute Debut: 3

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"This is the morning announcement! It is now 7 am! Night time is over! Wake up from yesterday's night, and see the new today!"

I groaned as I rubbed my eyes awake and yawned drowsily. Pheobe also slowly woke up from the annoying teddy bear's voice.

Quinn was reading something on a chair and she turned to her, "Oh, Pheobe you're awake."

I chuckled as she ignored my awakening and stretched. Having only a closed guitar case as a pillow can get really annoying.

I had a sore neck and I felt cold from having nothing to cover myself. "Agh... I shouldn't have slept here..."

Pheobe stood up and stretched, "...Come on! We need to go to the dining room!"

I realized, "Oh, right. It's 7 am."

Quinn sighed, "You noticed now? Hurry it up."

"I'm coming I'm coming. Geez, slow it down for the good old me will you?" I sarcastically mumbled as I packed up my guitar.

"No," she bluntly replied.

"Ouch, that's harsh."

I finished packing up and Pheobe cheered, "You want to put it back in your room right? Quinnie and I will be ahead of you!"

She snapped her head towards the Empath and glared at her, "What'd you call me?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" Pheobe playfully laughed it off.

"Calling me Quinnie is unacceptable!" She chased Pheobe out of the library and I heard their voices fade away.

I chuckled, thinking of them. They look like they're good friends.

And because of those girls, I didn't wake up this morning feeling depressed. Good on them.

I packed up my guitar and visited my room to drop it off. I then strolled to the dining hall.

My pleasantly starting day flipped upside down the moment I opened the doors.

There was a Vance at a table with Grayson and Heather around him. Trying to take away something from his grip.

Next to Vance, there was... 6 or 7 bottles of wine.

Once I squinted, I realized that 5 of them were empty. D*mn. I feel bad for Vance's liver.

"Ahhhh~! I need more~!" Vance whined. His face was red and he looked extremely dazed. Yep, he's extremely intoxicated.

"N-No! Vance! You had enough!" Grayson was attempting to hold him back as much as possible by grabbing his arms.

Heather asked, "Where did you find all of them anyways?!" She was pulling on the bottle that Vance was holding and seemed to be having trouble.

Heather knows martial arts too, so she's probably stronger than she looks, and she is struggling to pull a bottle of liquor out of his hands. Either she isn't that strong as I assumed, or Vance has a stronger grip than I thought he has.

"Nuuuuu~! I want my beer! *hic* Today is my last day~~~!" Vance complained.

Heather corrected, "It's wine."

Oh, that's right. Today is the third day of the time limit. By night time, we'd all be killed. Well then, I understand why Vance would want to drink... but... in the morning? In front of everyone?

Vance struggled and called, "Oli~! *hic* Help me~!"



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