Chapter Five

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Steve stepped out onto Clint's floor and froze at the sight of the man leaning against the wall with his knees drawn up to his chest. He started forward slowly, making his footsteps loud enough for the archer to hear in advance. Clint didn't look up as he sank down in front of him. Steve leaned forward and lightly held Clint's wrists, pulling his hands away from his face. There were tear tracks on his face, but he wasn't crying anymore, just staring blankly at nothing.


The man didn't respond. Steve glanced over his shoulder when he heard the elevator doors open. Bucky stepped out and started walking over. Steve shook his head quickly. Bucky froze, studying the scene before him, before turning and leaving.

Steve turned his attention back to Clint and tightened his grip on his wrists slightly.

"Clint. Clint, it's okay."

Clint jerked and Steve's back hit the floor. He kept a hold of Clint's wrists even as his hands went around his neck. The unfocused look stayed on Clint's face and Steve kept his breathing even.

"Clint, you're okay. It's me, Steve."

Slowly, Clint's eyes focused on him and the man rolled off quickly. Steve watched as he started hyperventilating as he leaned against the wall again. He shifted forward and gently pulled Clint into a hug against his shoulder.

"It's okay."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," Clint gasped.

"Hey, it's okay. You're fine," Steve whispered.

It took a few minutes, but Clint was able to pull himself together enough to slip into the bathroom and wash his face. Steve wrapped his arm around the shorter man's shoulders and led the way over to the elevator.

"I'm sorry for earlier," Clint said softly, pulling away from Steve's side.

"For what? You didn't hurt me."

"No, I meant earlier. About Bucky," Clint replied.

Steve smiled and pulled Clint against his side again, tightening his arm slightly. Clint relaxed against his side and Steve's smile widened.

"It's fine. You were worried."

"I threatened him. Had a knife against his throat. I was tempted to just kill him," Clint whispered.

Steve remained silent at the admission and waited for Clint to continue. Clint coughed and scratched the back of his neck.

"I figured I'd have to leave if I did. And I don't have anywhere else to go since Shield collapsed. And I didn't want you to be mad. He didn't even look worried that I might've killed him. He just stood there."

Clint fell silent as the elevator doors opened, and he stepped out before Steve could reply.

He noticed that Clint gave Bucky and Natasha a wide berth before perching in his usual spot on the couch.

"Well, I suppose some introductions are in order," Tony said after a moment of silence.

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