Chapter Eight

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James frowned at the empty look in Barton's eyes. No one else seemed to notice as the man chattered to Tony about arrows. Other than the dead look in his eyes, the man seemed almost normal. He laughed at all the appropriate times, smiled, joked, and actively listened, but it didn't seem real to James. Steve nudged his elbow and he turned slightly to give him his attention.

"What are you staring at?"

"Is your boyfriend alright?"

"He's not-" James cut him off with a pointed look, "Bucky, he's fine, said so himself."

James nodded and let his gaze drift back to Barton. The blond haired man's eyes met his and the grip on his knife tightened almost imperceptibly. There was a spark of anger in his eyes, the most emotion he's noticed in Barton's gaze. James flashed him a grin and the other man bolted to his feet and left the room without a word. Everyone turned to look at James and he just shrugged.

"I'm gonna go-" Steve started.

"Just leave him be, Steve."

Bucky sighed when Steve stood up and all but ran out of the room after Barton. It didn't take long for him to hear shouting. A quick glance around the table told him that it seemed to be a usual occurrence.

"So, anyone up for movie night?" Stark offered.

"Sounds good. I'm picking the movie this time though," Wilson agreed.

"You picked last time. It's my turn," Natalia replied.

"What about you?"

James looked up when the table fell silent. Yet again, everyone was staring at him, waiting for a reply. He glanced at the door in the corner of his eye and shrugged with his flesh arm.

"Not a movie kind of guy," he lied.

Natalia arched an eyebrow at him but said nothing in response. The yelling abruptly ended and James's attention turned back to the doorway. He noticed that the others were also looking that way but they weren't doing so quite as blatantly as James. Steve stepped back into the kitchen, face carefully blank as he sat down in the seat Barton had just left.

"Movie night?" Stark asked him.

"I'll pass."

James leaned forward and narrowed his eyes.

"He broke it off?" He asked.

At Steve's lack of response, James nodded and rose to his feet.

"What are you doing?" Steve demanded.

James shook his head and walked out of the kitchen, moving towards the elevator.

"Take it to Barton's floor."

The elevator doors slid shut and it began moving upwards. As soon as he stepped off he was greeted with a punch across the face.

"Off my floor. Now," Barton snapped as he stormed away.

James followed after him and slammed the other man against the wall.

"Get your hands off of me," he snapped lowly.

"I warned you not to hurt him," James replied just as lowly, tightening his grip with his metal hand.

"Get your fucking hands off of me, Barnes."

James narrowed his eyes and pressed his forearm against the other man's throat. The smaller man sent a swift knee into his gut and shoved him away.

"Get the fuck off of my floor."

James watched as Barton walked into his closet and grabbed a duffel bag. The man started throwing his clothes j to the bag and James nodded to himself.

"If I see you, I'll kill you," he told Barton.

"Likewise," the man replied as he shoved past James.

That said, he stepped onto the elevator and was gone.

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