Chapter Twenty

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Somehow, Clint ended up sitting between Natasha and Barnes with Wilson squeezed in on his left. For some reason, they weren't using the screening room, so they were all piled into the living room. Clint stood up and started to go find somewhere else to sit that was less crowded, but Barnes and Natasha caught his wrists. He blinked a few times down at the hands gripping his wrists before allowing them to tug him back down. Clint swallowed nervously as Natasha's thumb drifted across the bandage on his wrist.

"What did you do?" Natasha whispered.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You didn't."

"Drop it, Nat," Clint warned lowly.

She nodded and Clint watched as the opening credits began playing to one of the James Bond movies. He leaned back against the couch as the lights dimmed. Slowly he felt Barnes's arm slide around his shoulder. Clint tensed for a minute before relaxing.

"You could have called me," Natasha whispered.

"I said drop it," Clint snapped, moving to stand up.

Barnes's hand clamped down on the back of his neck and kept him rooted to the couch. He punched the other man's leg, but Barnes simply smirked.

"Let go of me," he said lowly.

"Watch the movie," Barnes replied.

Clint relaxed as Barnes's thumb massaged the back of his neck. He leaned further into the couch and let his eyes slip closed.


James felt Natali- Natasha lean forward after Barton dozed off. He did the same and raised an eyebrow.

"You're taking care of him?" She mouthed.


James blinked in surprise as Barton shifted so that he was leaning against his side. The man was still asleep. He felt Wilson and Steve staring at him, but he ignored it. He continued rubbing the back of Barton's neck softly.

James zoned out, not feeling particularly inclined to watch the movie. He slowly became aware of the silence and realized that everyone except Natasha had fallen asleep. James gently extricated himself from Barton. Almost immediately, he noticed Barton tensing up. He sat back down on the couch and wrapped his arm back around the man.

"Shhh, it's okay," he soothed.

He shot Natasha a look as Barton remained tensed up. He rubbed at Barton's shoulders when the man let out a small whimper. James scooped Barton up in his arms at Natasha's beckoning and followed her to his floor. Barton was becoming more restless in James's arms. It didn't make sense to him. Usually Barton relaxed whenever he was there.

James set him down on the bed and straightened. There was another whimper from the man as he curled up on himself.

"What do we do?" James asked.

Natasha didn't answer, so he sank down on the bed next to him. James hesitated for a second before stretching out beside Barton and gently straightening him out. The man slowly relaxed when James began running his metal fingers through Barton's hair.

"Goodnight, James."

"Goodnight, Natasha."

He watched her step on the elevator and leave. A small smile tugged at his lips as Barton twisted and buried his face in James's shoulder.


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