I have seen so many friends and family...Including myself get treat like absolute shit from people we trusted.
And this is for all of you. This bitch is goanna vent! No. I repeat...NO, this isn't pointed at anyone. But if the shoe fits; wear that mother fucker to the garbage, and jump in. Where you belong.So, you know when you're close to someone. Be it friend, Lover, whatever. You let them in. Trust them. Tell them every insecurity, every fear. Let down the wall you've spent years building up. A wall as sturdy as the one Donald Trump dreams about. Then, as soon as you stop serving them a purpose, they use every insecurity against you. And drop you as fast as Iggy Azalia's record label. Yeah, here's to you fucker. (Raises glass of champagne)
Not only does it prove how shitty of a person you are. To use someone like a jizz tissue. Make them feel worthless. And smile, carrying on living your life likes nothing wrong. Happy fucking go lucky. Hey, it isn't you hurt. Narcissism is only a pool, Remember that. Whilst you saunter around, Billy big dick. Acting like a God in a world that you wholeheartedly believe, revolves around you. Someone that put all their love into you is crying and destroyed. By YOUR doing! Shutting your eyes and downing a few shots doesn't make it go away. Your actions will still be there in the morning.
And in the words of a disappointed Grandma "Shame on you...Prick." I embellished a tad. "Shame on you for behaving so cruelly for your own amusement." A person trusted you, loved you and cared. Would always be there in your darkest hours. And where are you for them? Slagging them off to feed your ego. Making them miserable at the amusement and expense of you and your mates. Wow. Round of applause you! The entire world sees what an immature cunt you are. Your parents must be so proud.Words and vows are absolutely nothing to you. Again, proves the kind of human you are. Hint: A bad one.
But...To all those that have been betrayed by someone they held close once. Learn from it. You will notice the snakes hiding in the weeds. A wolf in sheeps clothing. Having someone hurt you, in a weird way; is a positive. Shows who they really are. Snakes always shed their skin sooner or later. Better now than when you've invested your life in them.
You grow thick skin. Learn to cut people off as soon as the warning signs show.And I've said this once, but I'll say it again. If they couldn't see how amazing you are. Value you as a friend or lover. As a fucking human being. Did they ever deserve you to begin with? NO! Throwing someone aside that's been in your life for years, without any communication or care is disgusting. And I could never do it. But hey, I'm not an immature little cunt.
Don't EVER put your happiness in someone else. Be your own happiness. Love yourself, believe in you. Not some asshat with a god complex. You owe that much to yourself.
You know that saying "You have to love yourself before you learn to love anyone else." It's true. And the right people in your life will prove it over time.People that behave that way are toxic. And have allot of growing up to do. The real world won't care and won't be so kind. And if they can do it to you, they can do it to another friend or partner. Narcissists only care for one person and one person only. Themselves. Everyone else is disposable.
Be happy. Live your life and smile. Know you are loving and kind. It will all fall into place. Everything happens for a reason. I truly believe that. I'm the happiest, healthiest and best version of me ever. Great friends, beautiful family and a supportive partner.
I've walked through fire for people that wouldn't even walk an inch for me. But I'm proud of that. It's who I am. And it always pays off. Karma's a bitch!
So, to the boys and girls that have been walked all over, treat like shit, stabbed in the back and spit on. You're going to be just fine. Better than fine. Trust me. Keep fighting for yourself.
And to the cunts and pricks that make people feel this way. You know what your doing. It's funny to you. A game. You are despicable. And I hope someone treats you that way one day. Here's a massive 'Fuck you!' Buy yourself a better personality with it, would ya?
Thank you, and goodnight.
P.S - If this offends you, you're what's wrong with society.
In the mind of a girl (Diary) #Wattys2016
Novela JuvenilThis book is a personal one for me. My first ever Diary. Different stories put together over time for people like yourself to read. I chose to do this to let other girls know the feelings and thoughts they go through, are not just their's alone. If...