Being a bad bitch!!!

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Anything and everything can knock you on your ass. Be it, an illness, Mental condition, Friendships breaking down, Career goals falling through, A death, Ex relationship getting you down. Just life generally not going your way. It's easy to fall in a hole that you can't get out of. To forget how amazing you are. To let the self doubt and self consciousness come creeping in. Creating thoughts like...

"I don't deserve that job."
"They never liked me anyway. It was only a matter of time."
"I'm ugly. No wonder no one wants to be with me."
"I'm going nowhere."
"I didn't deserve them."
"I deserve every bad thing said about me."

I felt this way at one point. Been put through the ringer with life. Dragged through the dirt, so to speak, and left for dead. It was up to me where I wanted to go from there. Did I want to just stay here, on the ground? I mean, I could. It was easier. To except it and stay down. But I chose to get back up. No matter how hard it would be. And it was hard.

People don't tell you that staying positive when you're already on top is the easiest thing in the world. When everything's going right for you. It's when you're at rock bottom, does your true colours come out. Shows your strength. Who you really are. Thus a bad bitch is born.

Use your new found strength to realise the bad bitch you've always been. Diamonds are formed under pressure. And you are a diamond.

Fuck people who took you for granted. Let them leave. Hell, hold the door for them. Staying civil and friendly is entirely pointless. Often, it gets taken for granted. So what the point? Cut off anyone who treats you badly, or makes you feel worthless. You'll feel better in the end, trust me.

Know your worth. The only opinion that really matters is yours. You are beautiful, inside and out. There is nothing you cant do if you want it. You matter more than you'll ever know. You did deserve them. They didn't deserve you.

Do everything for you first. Yes, being nice and helping others is great! But sometime your own needs can slip through the cracks. Remember your career, self treatment and mental health comes first...Always. If people don't like that, they know where to go. If you want to take sexy pictures, and it makes you feel good. Do it! Judgment is just some bitter person that's so unhappy with there own life, they want to drag you down. Don't let them.

Who cares if people don't like you? Bothered. Their opinion is like an orgasm. Once I've had mine, I don't really care about yours. Take that saying and keep it. Their irrelevant in your life.
Remember this, if your name is still coming from their mouth. Even if its negative, clearly they still care enough to speak about you. You hold some relevancy and emotion to them. People don't talk about someone they don't care about. They forget..

Girls that talk shit about you (But seem to know everything your doing by stalking your social media) are threatened or jealous. Again, why speak about someone you don't care about? If it makes themselves feel better. Let them. It only lasts for a short while and never fills their insecurities. They will always be there. Why should their insecurities and problems fall on your shoulders. Just smile and get on with your life. Never stoop to their level. It gives them what they want. Shows you're effected by them. Why would you be

It never ceases to amaze me how someone can slag off anything and everything you do, then say nobody cares about you (Hmmmm, clearly you do. Hypocrite much?) and I will never ever give a fuck. Off you fuck! Back to your 'amazing and successful life.'
Unless you're a billionaire with the best life and career; don't try me bitch.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones after all. Just do you boo. People that try to tear you down, are just that...Small minded people.

Lastly. Always be happy. Happiness gives you the attitude and strength to do anything. Stay happy and do you. THUS, A BAD BITCH IS BORN!

In the mind of a girl (Diary) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now