A Midday Transplant?

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It was dark. It appeared to be some kind of cellar. I lost track of time, they never brought me my meals on a schedule. Messing with my head. No windows. I didn't need time anyway. I needed to solve this damn case.

What did I know?
-It had something to do with the hospital
-It was illegal
-It made a lot of money
-One guy had blood on his clothes that wasn't his
-It was a whole network of people
-Natalie somehow got involved
-There was dried blood on the floor of this cellar
-Natalie was a nurse at the hospital
-They had a huge freezer
-Someone's called Jamie
-I could really use a drink right now
-I was hungry

Well, that's not really useful for the case but whatever.

There came my knight in shining armor. Only he hadn't brought any food with him... or rather he had more guys with him. A flash of light hit me when he opened the door, and after the temporary blindness had faded, I saw the familiar face of my assistant as he was thrown inside. They locked the door behind him.
.....If this was his idea of a rescue mission, I better make sure I'm never captured again. He looked like shit. Bruises covered his face, from what I could see. I really hoped all of this was based on a very well thought out plan.

Apparently he didn't have a plan. Who would have guessed?! He did however know that the janitor of the hospital, Jamie, was involved. And Natalie had requested the medical file of some coma patient, Charlie Griffiths, who had passed away earlier that day. The file was never retrieved. He got himself in this situation by asking questions about Charlie and Natalie. Not even by attempting to save me. I was hurt. I didn't think my poor heart could handle such a feeling of betrayal. But I survived. The world was blessed by my presence for another day.

We made up the perfect plan to escape. The food guy came. This was our chance. Thomas made quick work of taking him down soundless. Now I'm no damsel in distress, but it would be a shame if those muscles were wasted, right? The man has got to exercise somehow. I took down the second man myself. He had been particularly unpleasant towards me. I kicked him in his liver, hard. Take that, you bastard! Anyway, the next part was more tricky. Since we had both been unconscious when we were moved through this area. But with our very various, uhm, let's say talents, we managed just fine. Sneaking through the corridors like, may I say very attractive, spies. I could almost hear the suspenseful background music. Then we heard a voice. My heart stuttered. Then started again, he was behind a closed door. We hadn't been noticed. There weren't many people here. We moved closer to the voice. Most of the conversation was muffled by the door, but we could make out something about a midday transplant? Muddy transplant? Kidney! A kidney transplant. The doorknob rattled. Shit, shit, shit. Uhhmm. Now, now of all times my brain decided to stop. To not shoot awesome ideas through my mind? A strong arm pulled me into an empty room. I thanked my fabulous self for deciding to take an assistant.

After the steps had faded I cleared my throat.

"If you value your manhood, I would advise you to let go of me now."
I whispered.

It always worked wonders. He let me go as if I was on fire.
We didn't encounter any other difficulties. I know, I told you this fine establishment was close to empty. Who holds prisoners in a place like this? It's almost like they wanted us to escape.

But what if they did?

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