Who is Natalie Woods?

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After weeks of photographing cheating couples, I got a letter. A woman wanted my help. She was convinced her sister hadn't committed suicide, the suicide note wasn't written in her sister's handwriting. And if that wasn't enough proof, the body was stolen from the morgue the day before the autopsy. An intriguing case, if you ask me.
So I send a letter back, requesting a meeting in my office. The woman, Eretria Woods, came and we had a very interesting chat. As said, the note was written in someone else's handwriting. She took me to her sister's apartment. Her roommate had moved back in with her parents after discovering the body. Leaving the victim's belongings untouched. Since I obviously couldn't investigate the body, I took my time getting to know the victim. Natalie Woods, 25. A nurse. She was messy, but organized. A lot of notes on the fridge to remember things. I went through the calendar. Dr. Richard Adams, her psychiatrist. Max. A name? As I flipped through the months, Max kept reappearing on dates. In the beginning, two months ago, it was written small. While if you looked at the dates now it was written big, MAX, across the entire date. I made a footnote of it. As I looked further I found one other thing of importance. It was a notebook. The pages were thorn out.

I spoke with the roommate, Jasmin Thorne. She's the one that found the body. Apparently the knife the police found, the one Natalie was cut with, they never bought that knife. Jasmin had never seen it before. The killer's knife, most likely. The pills were antidepressants on prescription. The other information she told me was useless. Mostly about how she felt. Honey, I don't care.

The police had absolutely nothing useful to say. Just lovely.
Still nothing on Max, whoever or whatever that may be.

Dr. Richard Adams. Where do I even start. He didn't want to discuss private information with me. But Natalie only showed signs of depression.
He prescribed the antidepressants.

I finally got my hands on Natalie's phone. There was a notification for tomorrow six o'clock, Max, an address was included. After an discussion with my assistant, I went. I had put on a wig and dressed in Natalie's usual choice of fashion.
The address was a house. I later found out Natalie had been taking care of the dog Max, living inside that house while the owners were on a vacation. Things just kept getting better and better.

Next I went to the hospital she had worked in. Asking the usual questions. Didn't receive many interesting answers. But there was something there.... I don't know. A lot of the people there seemed... suspicious, somehow.

I was just sitting in my office, trying to solve this case when someone decided to just stroll in my office to get me to take their case. Since I obviously wasn't feeling it, I snuck out through the window and let my lovely assistant handle it.
So I sat down on a bench in the park. Then my assistant texted me, always so thoughtful.

'Were the f*ck are you? Are you alright?'

See, he truly did care. I felt so special. I sent him a picture of Where's Wally, since obviously it is a very good exercise for your brain.

'I'm in the park, solving crimes🙃'

Then after a minute.

'Do you know why Wally wears stripes?'
I texted.

'No, please tell me the answer to this riddle.'

So dramatic, right?

'It's because he doesn't want to be Spotted'

How is this conversation important to the storyline, you may wonder? Well, I'll get to that in a moment.
As I sat there laughing at my pun, I didn't notice a black van pull up and two dark figures creep up on me. I am my own worst downfall, I know. Until two hands grabbed me, hard. While another clamped a cloth on my mouth, which suspiciously smelled like chloroform. I stopped breathing. My phone had fallen out of my hands. There's only so long someone can hold their breath. I vaguely remember being shoved into the back of the van until everything went black.
[This is the first chapter, so please comment what you think and if I should post more chapters]

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