Pretty knives

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We were safe. Thank the gods. But Vivienne didn't look very reassured. After a moment of silence I finally asked her what was wrong. What if it's all a trap, she had asked. It was too easy. What if they wanted us to escape? Her words echoed through my mind long after we had parted our ways. What if that was true? Better solve this case before we could find out.
After we got back to the office, we spend many hours discussing all that had happened, the things we had noticed. We needed to close this case, and we needed to do it as soon as possible.

I didn't sleep well that night. But when I got back to the office Vivienne was sitting right were I had left her. Coffee in her hand. She hadn't left the office at all. She hadn't slept. Ugh, I should have known. Stubborn woman. After I had successfully, there may or may have not been a fight, got her to sleep, I took up where she had left off. She had made some progress. Only, her handwriting was barely legible. Great. I finished her coffee, and started decrypting Vivienne's notes. Here and there I recognized a few words. Kidney transplant. Coma patient. Not an organ donor. No autopsy. Janitor. Cremated. Freezer. Illegal. Blood. Money. Hospital. Pretty knives, so I might have read that one wrong...

Was it what I thought it was? A secret organization, people on the inside working in the hospital. Had we stumbled upon a network of criminals? Had Natalie seen something she shouldn't have? Charlie Griffiths. I looked back at Vivienne's notes. Not an organ donor was circled. Charlie Griffiths wasn't an organ donor. Did Natalie find out that same thing? Did she see someone removing organs?
We just got caught in a web of illegal organ traders. And they knew we were close to uncovering their secrets. Only... they didn't know just how much we had found out already.

Slowly, a plan started formulating in my mind. Vivienne woke up.

The plan was made.

And so the preys became the predators.

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