1. Not so love at first sight

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Thanks for reading my story enjoy!

"Daddy can you tell me a bedtime story?" Asked the little girl. "Ok which story do you want me to read? Cindarella, Robinhood or Frozen?" "Mmmm... I want to hear how you and mom met." I smiled at the request. "Ok but it will be a long story." She sat straight up with pikachu in her arms. "Ok it all began when I was just like you."

Ash's pov. (7 years old)

As I was playing with my pikachu I rescued from evil spearows. I saw a big moving truck stopping right infront of my house. So me and pikachu went to my mum. "Mommy why is there a big car infront of our house?" I asked. "Don't worry sweety we aren't moving to another region." Phew. "So what's the reason?" "We are getting new neighbours." My mum said smiling. Yes a new friend! I really really hope it's a boy. "Mommy can we meet them?" "I was just about to ask that, let's go Ash." "Pi!" Pikachu squeeled happy.

Please let it be a boy please. We walked to our new neighbours and I saw 3 older girls. Wait can 3 girls marry each other? "Hello there My name is Delia Ketchum and this is my 7 year old son Ash Ketchum. Welcome to Pallet town!" My mum said smiling. "Hi there my name's Daisy and they are my sisters Violet and Lily Waterflower." Oh they are sisters! "Nice to meet you both." They said in unison. So if they are sisters where are their parents? "Not to be rude but where are you're parents?" I asked. They became silent. I think I messed up... "Ash! I'm sorry he didn't..." "It's ok Mrs Ketchum, our parents passed away a long time ago." "Oh I'm so sorry I didn't know, can you three forgive me?" I said with puppy eyes. "Of course you cutie pie!" Said Violet.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BUGS!!!" Someone with short orange hair ran outside the house and hugged Daisy. "Well Ketchum family this is our last family member the 8 year old Misty Waterflower. She's kinda afraid of bugs." Said Lily. "Misty say hello." Said Daisy with a smile. The little girl lets go of her leg "Hello there my name's Misty Waterflower." Ugh it's a girl the last thing I wanted. I Looked at pikachu and he seems to be happy. "Hi I'm Ash and this is my partner pikachu." "Pika!" Greeted the little mouse. "We let you kids play ok? Can I help you three with something?" And they walked off. "Look Ash I didn't ask to move here in Pallet town ok? I'm just here because I was forced. So don't expect us to be friends in any way." "Pika?" Pikachu said confused. "Well I didn't ask for a girl to be my neighbour I wanted a boy. So don't expect that we're gonna get along." "Fine!" "Fine! Let's go pikachu." "Pika..." said pikachu with a sad expression. I guess pikachu wanted to become friends with her.

Misty's pov. (8 years old)

I'm so stupid I wanted to become friends with him but it's because of my lack of social experience. Let's just say I can't really start a conversation with people. I will start conversations too rude or I play too rough if kids wanted to play with me. The only people who I can talk and play with are my sisters. But after what he said I'm glad I said that I didn't want to become friends.

I was taking a walk to the professor's lab when I saw Ash talking to another kid. I decided to leave them and come back home.

Gary's pov. (7 years old)

"So Ashy-Boy i heard you have new neighbours. Are they nice?" "Yeah they're nice exept their little sister." "Wait sister? Don't they have parents or something?" I asked with full curiousity. "No their parents passed away a long time ago." "Aww that's so sad, I feel sorry for the family. So what's that girl like?" "Well she's 1 a girl." Oh yeah Ashy-Boy doesn't like girls which I don't understand. "And 2 our first conversation was... let's just say not the best." "So if I'm correct you two dislike each other?" "Yeah pretty much." "Listen to me Ashy-Boy the people you hate the most are the people you love and care the most." "Wha? That doesn't make sense Gary you're weird. Anyways I have to go home dinner will be ready soon. Later!" And he runs off. Oh trust me you will love her at some point. I really watch too much drama movies.

Misty's pov

"Misty can you help us a little bit Mrs Ketchum left so we need all the hands we have." Shouted Lily. "Coming!"

"So Misty friends with Ash already?" Asked Daisy. "No I hate him!" "Oh no Misty not again..." the three of them facepalmed. "Hey it's not only me! He didn't want to become friends with me either!" "Misty please I don't want you to become a social outcast." Said Violet sad. My expression changed from angry to sad. "I'm sorry I'll change when I meet the next person who wants to be friends." I said smiling. The three of them hugged me and I hugged back. I just hope I won't be angry at Ash again. I need to apologize.

Ash's pov

How can you relate love with hate it just doesn't make sense.
"So Ash are you and Misty friends?" "No I don't like her." My mom was a little bit shocked. "Why? I thought you loved making new friends." "It's just I really wished it was a boy and our first conversation wan't the best." My mom chuckled a bit. "What's so funny?" "Oh Ash honey it's just a first conversation don't worry about it." "Ok I guess you're right." I need to apologize to Misty.

Well first chapter done hope you liked it!

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