3. Those two never change

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Gary's pov

What did you guys think would happen... the first thing Misty and Ash did was. You know what read for yourself.

1 weak earlier

"Ok Ashy-Boy you're gonna meet the love of your life again!" "Gary!" Ash's face became red, it's funny to make Ash mad. "Uhm guys did I miss something?" Asked Brock confused. "THERE'S NOTHING!" Shouted Ash. Yep Ash is mad alright. "Ey Brock come here." I whispered something to him so secret even you guys don't need to know. Yeah I'm breaking the 4th wall. Got a problem?

"We finally arived at the pokecenter I can't wait to meet Misty again." Said Ash with a bright smile. As Ash runs in he bumps into a girl (you guessed it) and got her breakfast all over her clothes and hair. "Oh I'm so sorr- Misty? Hey what's up! Ow sorry about that." Trying to forget the incident. Oh yeah there's that dorky smile of his. "Ash... WHY DID YOU DO THIS?" Shouted Misty. Those two were arguing for over 10 minutes. "Hey Brock want to get some food?" Brock nodded and we silently walked away.

Misty's pov

I was really excited to meet Ash, Gary and Brock, but now. My hair and clothes covered in Milk and cereal. I prepared myself for them to arrive. "Ash you idiot! Look at my hair and my clothes." "Hey It's not only my fault why were you standing so close to the front door?" "Oh it's also my fault? You're supposed to walk through doors not blindly run through them!" Yep we haven't changed a bit.


Brock's pov (15)

So this is what Gary's talking about. We are traveling almost 1 week and those two act like a married couple. Which is kinda entertaining. "Ash you can't even set up a tent? You're hopeless!" Said Misty trying to fix the tent. "Then you do it!" Shouted Ash kinda irritated. "I am you idiot!" "Hey Gary want some popcorn?" "Sure." As we ate our popcorn we watched two wild animals fight to prove who's the boss. Seriously though they sometimes look like animals fighting for that alpha spot.

2 years later

Brock's pov (17)

"Ash can I ask you something?" I asked with a serious look. "Uhm sure." "Why are you and Misty always arguing about everything? Do you guys hate each other?" "No, I don't hate her it's just... she's so annoying sometimes!" "Why do you think she's so annoying?" I asked with a smile. I think I got him there. "I... uhh... uhm... shut up Brock I'm going to get my breakfast. Btw have you seen Misty and Gary?" "No I think they're still sleeping." That wasn't the case though, I asked Gary to ask Misty what she thought of Ash.

Gary's pov (12)

Alright let's see what Misty's hiding from us about Ash. "So Misty what do you think of Ash?" "Oh that's easy! He's annoying, has no manners, and he's a dork." I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "That's not true there's more." She immediately blushed or she was just mad I don't know." "If you don't believe then I'm going back to the camp!" Nevermind she's mad.

As Misty walked away Brock suddenly pops out of nowhere. "So any succes with Ash? All I'm getting are some negative stuff." "Same here, I don't know Gary I think you're wrong about 'The people you most hate you care the most' thing." I guess you're right, I just don't want Ash to be lonely when he gets older. Because I know! He can't get along with most girls. Except for Leaf back in Pallet." "Who's leaf?" I said too much... "Oh... a friend! Yeah a friend. Just a friend." I said trying to make this conversation less awkward. "Right." Said Brock with a smile.

Things didn't change much overtime. Gary and Brock were just researching pokemon. Ash and Misty were just arguing all the time. Until Ash became 14 and Misty 15. Their behaviour towards each other changed. They didn't shout anymore at each other. They became really good friends.

Ash's pov (14)

I lost... I lost the Indigo League by some guy named Red. I'm now sitting in my apartement petting pikachu and thinking what I did wrong these past years. All of my pokemon trained so hard to be the best. But it wasn't enough.

Knock knock

"Ash you there?"  It was Misty but I wasn't in the mood to talk to her. "Please Ash let me In I have to talk to you." "Come in." She walks in and sits next to me on my bed. "Listen Ash I know you trained hard to be the best. But look on the bright side you placed 2nd." She said trying to cheer me up. "Thanks Misty." I said smiling. "I decided to travel to Johto with Brock. Gary wanted to stay with professor Oak. Will you come with us?" Her look immediately changed from happy to sad. "I'm sorry I never told you this. But..." Her eyes were starting to water. "Hey, hey it's ok just tell me." I was t trying to comfort her. "My sisters as you know are the Cerulean City gym leaders." "Yeah what about it." "They told me when I turned 16 I have to take over the gym..." "But... I thought we were best friends that we would never leave each others sides." No, no, no! This can't be happening! "W-when are you... going to take over the gym?" "As soon as I turn 16." On that moment I've realised we only have 1 more week left. "So we have 1 week left." Misty started to cry silently. I hugged her, she was a little bit shocked from the sudden action but hugged back.

"Listen to me Mist look it on the bright side. We still have 1 week." We released from the hug and looked eachother deep in the eyes. I never knew Misty had so beautiful eyes. I leaned in closer so did she. Our faces inches apart...

"Ash Misty, dinner." Said Brock on the other side of the door. We immediately sat straight with red faces. "I uhh..." I said little embarrassed. "Let's get dinner shall we!" Said Misty awkwardly.

What happend to me.

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