Chapter 4 - Kiran

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Once Damion was safely departed, Aryan wasted no time in ushering the injured angel further down the unexplored pathway, not wanting to experience any more close calls today, thank you very much. The demon moved through the tight hallway without pause, not even bothering to glance behind to ensure his charge was still trailing as the sound of the boy's light footsteps followed Aryan's own heavy footfalls like a quiet echo in the dark hall, assuring him the angel had finally decided to stop being such a stubborn prick and actually listen - Assumably shaken into doing so by Damion's violent display.

The demon knew not where he was going, never having reason to go down this tight little corridor before and honestly not even a hundred percent certain why he suddenly had need to now. Risking himself like this for a boy who couldn't even follow a simple a command as "hide in this hallway so you aren't drug into the street and killed" seeming like a bad idea by any measure at which Aryan compared it. Nevertheless, here he was, ducking down a side passage, then another with no real direction with a fugitive of the law on his heels and a death sentence looming over his head if anyone ever came to learn of this exact moment.

"Do you know where we are going?" The angel whispered uncertainly from behind Aryan after many a silent moment, his voice as light and airy as the delicate feather Damion had found and so cruelly demolished without reason.

"Nope." Aryan scoffed gruffly, not really in the mood for a friendly chat as the weight of what he had done came to settle heavily over him. "Now stay quiet. I need to remember what paths I take, unless you want me to forget where I left you." The demon huffed exasperatedly, truly actually trying his best to memorize the passageways he wandered down lest he really did strand the angel somewhere in those endless tunnels.

The angel actually complied, shutting his mouth and remaining silent as Aryan had requested. The demon was almost impressed. . . For about all of two minutes.

"If you are going to carelessly forget your own path, then why do you keep walking?" The boy piped up again not but a few sparse minutes later, sounding almost irritated rather than fearful despite the obvious fact that he was following a demon into the the endless depths of the Underworld and should probably - actually, should most definitely - be fearful.

"If you want someone to find you, be my guest." Aryan huffed dryly, coming to a dead halt in the middle of the passageway and gesturing at the ground in an invitation for the angel to sit where he please and wait for death. "But don't come crying to me when a lot more than that wing of yours gets broken." The demon scoffed distastefully as he watched the angel instinctively draw his injured wing in a little closer to his lithe frame. "Though I doubt you'll be able to cry when they're done with you." Aryan added sinisterly and began walking on once more without glancing back, certain the angel would follow when faced with the tragic effects of the other option.

The angel stayed quiet after that, apparently subdued for the time being. Even when the godly creature tripped and fell forward into Aryan at one point, jumping back with a sharp gasp of pain at the corresponding burn, he failed to say anything.

"Could you fucking not! I thought angels were supposed to be graceful!" Aryan snarled out angrily, willing away the searing sensation the boy's hands left on his back and simply ignoring how odd it was that his skin didn't burn when he'd kept the angel hidden earlier yet now sizzled angrily at the accidental touch.

"Nngh." The angel replied super impressively, simply wowing Aryan with his amazing use of words as the demon finally began to slow his pace, no longer fueled by the panic seeing Damion had sent him into and tentatively accepting the fact that they'd probably gone far enough and taken a confusing enough path to keep the angel hidden.

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