Chapter 9 - A Snarky Angel and a Compassionate Demon?

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Needless to say, Kiran did not, in fact manage to hold in jack shit. The agonized scream that ripped its way from the angel's throat as if dragged out of his lean chest by the poisonous claws of Lucifer himself was outright deafening in the tiny cavern, harsh and ragged in the purest form of unchecked torment before it broke into a breathless croak, the angel arching dramatically then immediately collapsing flat down on his face a moment later.

Aryan wished that was it. That it was all over and he could take his hands off Kiran with the knowledge that the pain had ceased, that it was only going to get uphill from that horrible turning point of utter agony. The demon refused to acknowledge this unprecedented surge of compassion but acted upon it nevertheless, yanking back on the mangled appendage without pausing for even a moment to let this heinous act stretch on a second longer than need be.

The awful cry that followed was such a noise of pure pain Aryan was left uncertain if it was truly the volume of the thing alone which left him slightly shaken as the strained sound echoed around the cavern walls and into the black tunnels beyond.

But it was done.

The demon removed his hands from Kiran in an instant, practically scrambling back a few paces as if putting distance between them would somehow erase the last few moments from existence. "I thought it would be better if I didn't tell you when." Aryan muttered almost apologetically in the general direction of the rug of a boy still lying limp across the ground without so much as twitching a muscle in acknowledgement. Maybe he'd simply passed out from the pain - Aryan oddly found himself vaguely hoping that was the case for whatever inexplicable reason.

Kiran laid frozen with a motionlessness Aryan had only yet seen among the dead for a long beat, the demon willing to bet that the angel had outright ceased to breathe for a few moments there as not even a rise or fall of the angel's chest presented itself to combat the utter stillness that predominated over the smaller male's body. Complete, utter stillness. Fuck. Maybe Aryan had killed him after all.

Not even the slightest twitch presented itself as Aryan looked over the ruined angel for any visible signs of life, actually finding himself concerned that the sheer agony of the experience had somehow brought an end to Kiran's life despite how absolutely insane that sounded even in the demon's own head. Maybe the sheer horror of it all had given the kid a heart attack. Perhaps that's what the sudden jerking followed by the sudden collapse had been? Oh Satan. Aryan had watched it all happen and he hadn't even stopped. Fuck. Fuck - Wait. Calm the hell down. This was ludicrous. Just focus for two goddamn seconds to listen to yourself, you fucking ninny!

The boy's slim body extended a rather small distance even in its entire fullness, the kid was obviously cursed to be on the shorter side despite his long limbs and slender build. However, Kiran wasn't skinny, per say, well, that was an absolute lie actually, but at least some lightly toned muscle managed to exist over the small male's frame, hinting that the kid had probably tried to fix said skinniness before but had obviously been unsuccessful if his apparent absolute lack of body mass was anything to go by.

Slender shoulders failed to rise and fall with the inhalation of oxygen to any visible degree and there was no shift in expression in Kiran's face, which had turned to be seen when he'd jolted at the original pain and collapsed uncouthly in a much more haphazard array of limbs and poor positioning, even when Aryan moved a hesitant step closer. The angel's eyes were closed but they were luckily at least not screwed up in pain, rather just fluttering shut as if keeping them open was simply too tiring of an act at the moment, which the demon could totally believe because experiencing untold agony tended to be a rather draining experience - Trust him, he would know.

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