Chapter 11 - Someone Please Get This Man a "How To Demon: For Dummies" Book

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"And this is why I told you not to drink all the water." Aryan snarked dryly, holding up the, far lighter than he would've preferred, bottle and inspecting its contents critically. Barely a few mouthfuls of the clear liquid remained unclaimed by the Great Drought of 2018, (Aka, Kiran's thirst) the pathetic excuse for a drink sloshing about dramatically as if intimidated under Aryan's disapproving scowl. Eventually, after glaring at inanimate water for maybe just a few minutes too long, the demon reluctantly conceded that there was enough to do what he needed, merely sighing out an exasperated huff of air before finally deciding to stop uselessly bemoaning the lack of water abundance the angel had brought about and actually get on with his task.

"I say you are still at fault, demon! You are the one whom brought the," Kiran protested but paused a moment to contort his expression into one of intense focus "Sal-ty meal but then failed to provide adequate beverage resources to accompany the thirst causing substance!" The angel insisted defensively, though the way his mouth twisted entirely incorrectly over the word "salty" made his unrelenting stance far too amusing for Aryan to even begin to take him seriously.

Aryan merely rolled his dark, almond shaped eyes at the ludicrous argument as he diligently brought the water bottle over Kiran's extended arm and began to tip it forward in the slightest, wanting to give the angel enough visual clues to be expecting the liquid before it touched his skin, lest Kiran jerk away and waste what little water they had remaining after the boy had so carelessly swallowed it all earlier. "You got me - Guess we demon's are really as evil as they say. I'm gonna thirst you to death." The Guide snorted sarcastically as he decided Kiran had likely realized what he intended to do at this point and would be adequately prepared for it, going ahead to tip the plastic container past the point of no return as the cool liquid within rushed forth towards the small mouth of the bottle.

Kiran's face softened from its previous vaguely snarky expression to take on a thoughtful look, his emerald eyes squinting slightly and his lips perking downwards in an action that didn't quite convey displeasure so much as concentration. However, if the angel had intended to share his findings with the class, any plans to do so were swept away as the spilled water finally gushed forth from its bonds and fell in a steady stream towards the injury, splashing onto the wound with enough force to instantly wash away some of the crusted blood that persisted there.

The clear liquid collided mercilessly with the offensive bloodstains that marred the pale expanse of Kiran's arm, the crimson slick that had all but dried in place becoming thin once more and running down the white flesh to spill over the angel's hands and drip free from his fingertips in small, ruby rivers. The water carried with it the dark grime of the cavern, the nearly black murk that tainted the vibrant red streams likely thrown onto the wound upon the original impact as throwing one's body from ungodly heights and slamming in unhindered into the ground below often tended to get a little bit of dirt involved.

Kiran hissed at the sudden sensation, the startled sound clearly as much a noise of pain as it was of simple reaction, the angel instinctively jerking back from the unwelcome onslaught of liquid and attempting to recoil his injured arm from the stuff.

Kiran was unable to go far however failing to make it more than a few centimeters before Aryan caught the boy around the wrist, clawed fingers clasping about the slender appendage before the demon could really think about how much he didn't want to do anything so stupid as touch the Heavenly creature again. The Guide's large fingers easily encircled the small entirety of the angel's slim wrist, though the demon was careful to only grip the boy tight enough to keep him in place and did his damndest to avoid accidentally pricking Kiran with any of his dagger like fingertips, cautious to only press the calloused pads of his digits against the feather soft skin of the angel in a valiant attempt to avoid any accidental clawing.

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