Carrie Maine part 2

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Last time
Time is ticking flash who will it be me or her your testing my patience", then out of no where I heard a loud explosion coming from behind him.

( Now )

He entered flash time again he looked around and saw a room behind the man full of smoke he ran as fast as he could and save his child. As he ran he looked at the mans face one more time he did look broken he looked as if he did not have anything to live for anymore. He grabbed Carrie and the older man and ran out of the exploding building he dropped both Carrie and Ethan at C.C.P.D then headed back to S.T.A.R labs. "Dude what happened", Cisco said as Barry walked into the cortex
"the warehouse exploded"
"Is my sister ok", Dawn said.
"Yes she's okay", Barry responded.
"Daddy you have to adopt her"
"I will do everything I can"
Barry looked at the little girl and said "promise".

I know it's short but it's something who's excited for season 5 anyways until next time bye😋

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