Bad Omens

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Only Kita Higurashi will have a POV!


Sesshomaru instructed me and A-un to move out, we were leaving the monk monestary, Sesshomaru as I walked next to him seemed on edge, tense, as if he was looking for danger with his eyes, making me wonder if he sensed something while I was packing my things up for us to leave the monk monestary.

I was too afraid to say anything, so I kept silent. We walked for hours on end, until my stomach growled and Sesshomaru turned to me putting a hand on my stomach then his other on my cheek and caressed them both with hands and looked to A-un  and A-un nods his heads as if Sesshomaru and A-un had a silent conversation and Sesshomaru says. "Stay here I will get you some food, it is my duty to catch your food it is custom for my species, A-un will keep you company." With that said Sesshomaru ran off at inhuman speed leaving me with A-un, who nudged my right arm with one of his heads and I scratch both his heads chins.

I stand there waiting, until I heard rustling nearby and I look to the noise seeing a little boy crawl all bloody on his hands and knees and I ran up to him. I could see he had gun shots ten of them in his back that went all the way through his body. "What happened?" I ask the boy but he never could answer when he collapsed on the ground the life leaving his eyes. "Why does he have gun shots in his body?!" I look his body over and knew the bullets that went through this poor kid was bullet piercing bullets, but those kind of bullets only existed in my timeline, so who could've obtained bullets like these in this timeline?!

Something ain't right, I got a bad feeling about this.
I thought to myself, and I swallow hard. I think me staying here isn't a good idea, whoever shot this kiddo could be nearby, and I'm not bullet proof, hell if Sesshomaru is shot with bullets like this it could kill him if he is hit in his vital organs!

"A-un, forget Sesshomaru's orders we gotta go, whoever killed this kid has a weapon that can kill us both, even the weapon can rip through any armor!" I tell A-un, who nods both his heads and I run over to A-un, and I jump on A-un's saddle on his back and yell. "Go now hurry!!" A-un took off in the air and we flew in the air. "A-un look for Sesshomaru for me, we need to let him know about this, so we can go find a place to hide again, I gotta bad feeling whoever has the weapon that can rip through armor is from my Era, which isn't good, it maybe someone from my past I don't know okay boy?"
I tell A-un who snorts and flew around the air sniffing and snorting I guess to try to catch Sesshomaru's scent.

A-un lets out a whine and dove down and landed where Sesshomaru was holding a huge anaconda he killed over his one shoulder. "I told you to stay put." Sesshomaru scolded me.

"We had to flee, a kid was killed by a weapon called a gun from my Era, this gun is way more advanced than one's that are in this Era, it has armor piercing bullets, it could pierce your armor and injure you, the kid bled out by the time he got to where we were. I have a horrible feeling that whoever gunned the kid down is from my Era, or could be an old enemy from my past!" I tell Sesshomaru who growled low, and looked not too pleased by what I told him.

"I sensed a foreboding scent near, I was on edge from it, then we should leave this area where you found the child." Sesshomaru floated in the air and so did A-un. "We will find a place where you can be safe."

"You think whoever shot the kid could be after me?" I ask feeling scared, scared whoever is after me might have bad intentions, might do something horrible to me!

"I smell your fear, I will not let whoever that person is harm you." Sesshomaru snarled out and I hug my arms to my chest shivering.

Sesshomaru sniffed and says. "I smell blood, that halfwit brother of mine's blood coating the air miles away, it seems he is injured badly."

"You think that whoever shot the kid went there first to look for me? Why I don't get it! I don't remember anyone who would go so far to come to this Era to look for me to kill me or get revenge?! Cause most of the people feared me back home cause I ran the streets back home!" I say to Sesshomaru, and Sesshomaru shook his head.

"We should not go to Inuyasha's village the person might entrap you Kita, and take you from me, your fiancee." Sesshomaru advises me and I nod.

"Is Kagome okay? Do you smell her blood?" I ask feeling worried for my cousin, for her safety.

"No, only Inuyasha is injured, not anyone else, it could be a trap to lure you there by that person." Sesshomaru says and he lands in a swampy area and sets the anaconda down on the dirt ground and I hop off A-un.

Sesshomaru gathered wood from a tree slicing the wood with his claws and immediately started a fire and set the big huge snake to cook over the fire his eyes on guard looking around as I sat against A-un's belly and A-un nuzzled my shoulder as if to try to comfort me from me being scared and I pet his heads and sigh looking at Sesshomaru who with every simple noise he flicked his blade Bakseiga out with his thumb, but when he felt the noise was made by an animal he clicked it back in place.

He must really be on edge, maybe he sensed how bad the person is by scent when the person arrived in this timeline from my timeline, that could be by what he meant by he sensed something foreboding earlier.

The snake was in thirty minutes was cooked all the way and Sesshomaru sliced it up to pieces I could eat with his claws, and handed me a piece and sat next to me and kept watch with one arm around my waist as he did so growling.

The whole time he was on edge on lookout he growled like a canine who was angry and giving a warning to whoever would try to attempt to approach us.

Whoever said cooked snake tastes like chicken was right, it tasted like chicken, but with a kick to the snake meat! It was so good, that I had hearty seconds and I was soon full from it.

So stuffed, I was getting sleepy from it and I lay back against A-un as Sesshomaru says. "Rest I will guard you. I will also dry the rest of the snake up to take as rations for our journey."

"Night, love you Sesshomaru." I say and shifted myself to have my head laying on his lap and his right hand ran his fingers through my multi-colored punkish wild hair and it felt nice, so much so it relaxed me more.

"Aye, and I love you my future wife to be, Kita." Sesshomaru whispers soon enough I fell asleep to his fingers stroking my hair like that.


To be continued.....

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