Meeting a Long Lost Sister

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Only Kita will have a POV.....


One week later....


One week has passed, and my baby bump has gotten a tiny bit bigger, but not much.
Hiei stopped by yesterday saying that his wife, well my sister was doing better and no longer has a cold.
Hiei says we could come by today knowing I have something I wanted to tell his wife.

So this morning I was in the filled up tub, sitting in the tub with Sesshomaru behind me, and washing my body with soap with his hands.
"Are you going to go with me?"
I ask Sesshomaru who gently runs his hand along my baby bump.

"Yes to keep you safe from others who may try to harm you."
Sesshomaru nuzzled my neck with his nose.
"I will be by your side when you meet your sister."
Sesshomaru replied, and takes some water and rinsed my body off, even his body.
"Your family will be my family soon, keeping you and my unborn child safe is more important and as that is important to me then so is meeting your long lost sibling."

"Thank you Sesshomaru."
I say, putting my hand on his on my stomach.
"You're the best thing that ever happened to me."
I tell Sesshomaru.

"You are welcome. I was blessed to meet you as well and want to be with me as well and have my child."
Sesshomaru comments kissing my nape.

Sesshomaru stands up, helping me stand up, and we step out of the tub, and I drain the tub, as Sesshomaru grabbed towels, and we began drying off.

I dressed in a black shirt, and long pants. Sesshomaru dressed in a blue and pink shirt and pink pants, as well as tugged his boots on, since his kimono would attract unwanted attention. We decided he would wear my era's clothing.

Once dressed, and we brushed our hair, we left the bathroom, and I left a note for Auntie that I was going to Hiei's house.

Sesshomaru and I left the house, going down to the train station needed to go to Hiei's house, and we had to go a long train ride to Hiei's house, and I carried the box Auntie told me to give Hiei's wife.

It took an hour sitting in seats to get us to the stop needed, the touchscreen map above us was alerting our stop was here.
So we stand up, and Sesshomaru helped me off the train. We walk further until we arrived to see many steps up to a temple home, which we walk up each step until we made it to the porch of the home.

I knock on the door, and it slides open, revealing Hiei standing there, and I held the box out to him.
"We need to talk Hiei with you and your wife."
I tell, Hiei who nods, moving aside, and let's me and Sesshomaru walk into the home which was very tidy, no speck of any dirtiness around.
The place was squeakly clean.
A TV was in the living area, a kitchen was to the right of me, and there was a long hall leading to many sliding doors along the hall.

"Take a seat at the couch.
I shall get my wife."
Hiei walks down the long hall, and several minutes later came back with a very pregnant woman who looked just like me, making me stand up at that, so does Sesshomaru.
"This is my wife Kitrainyokai.
Kitrainyokai this is Sesshomaru and Kita."
Hiei motions his hand towards me and Sesshomaru.

Kitrainyokai looked between me and Sesshomaru.
"She looks like me."
Kitrainyokai says.

Hiei handed her the box.
"She should sit down for what I have to tell her Hiei."
I tell, Hiei who nods in reply.

Hiei guided her to sit in a recliner, and I sat back down, but Sesshomaru stayed standing.
Kitrainyokai opened the box, seeing a letter and a birth certificate.
Kitrainyokai read the letter her hand over her mouth and tears forming in her dark lashes.
"So my Mom wasn't really my mom, but my real Mom was your Mom?"
Kitrainyokai asked.

"Yes, Michael violated Rain my mother, but due to my mother's belief in her religion don't believe in abortion, she gave birth to you, and then gave you to her friend Ayumi to raise. I'm your sister and you have a cousin called Kagome too, and a little baby cousin."
I tell Kitrainyokai, who started crying tears down her cheeks, and Hiei kisses her cheek leaning up to do so.

"It's alright, now your family is safe, Bojack, Chip and Michael are in fact dead, so you can now be around your long lost family."
Hiei took the box away, and places a hand on her cheek.
"I will be here with you."
Hiei murmurs into her lips.

Hiei pulls away from the kiss he gave Kitrainyokai and looks over to us.
"I will have her visit your family Kita, but I know you must get back to The Feudal Era, so we shall be more aquainted then, my wife needs time to accept and ingrain this information in her mind."

I nod, and stand up, so does Sesshomaru.
"We will go then until next time we visit."
I nod to Hiei and left out of the home, hearing Kitrainyokai crying as we go.

"Why is she crying like that?
Like you?"
Sesshomaru asked me, and I sigh sadly.

"She never knew all we told her.
She might be emotionally sensitive.
And autistic people change bothers them."
I tell Sesshomaru as we get on the train.

We sit in the seats, and not long after we left, we were back in our part of the city.
Sesshomaru again helped me down off the steps of the train, and I guide Sesshomaru by walking back to the shrine home of the Higurashi family.

We walk back inside the house, seeing Auntie there, packing our stuff to go back even the pancakes.
"How did it go?"
Auntie asked.

"She's upset, Hiei told us to go ahead and go back.
It will take awhile for Kitrainyokai to get used to the knowledge we gave her cause of her autism."
I tell Auntie.

Auntie gives me a sad expression.
"Autism I know they do not like change at all."

"It's not her fault either she was born with high functioning autism."
I tell Auntie.

"Well, to switch the subject I packed your food up and the like."
Auntie says, looking to Sesshomaru.
"I think he should carry it."

"I will."
Sesshomaru replied.

"You should change first into your era's clothing too Sesshomaru."
I tell Sesshomaru who nods.

"Ah his clothing is dry now, I set them in Kagome's room, even the armor and his swords.
Why don't you go ahead and dress Sesshomaru as us girls finish up here."
Auntie advises Sesshomaru, who walked off going upstairs to Kagome's room and shut the door behind him.
"He's not one for words sometimes is he?"
Auntie asked, and I shook my head.

"Sometimes he's not."
I tell Auntie.

Sesshomaru came back not even a few minutes later, dressed and ready to go.
Sesshomaru asked me, and I nod.

"Here you go the bag."
Auntie points to the bag, and Sesshomaru picked it up the shoulder part in one arm.

"Bye Auntie tell Gramps and Sota I'm happy I got to see them.
I'll bring Mai after she is born."
I wave to Auntie who waves back, and we left the home, and went to the well.

I carefully climb over the well, and Sesshomaru jumped to the edge of the well, and we both jump into the well.
Blue and pink galaxy stars swirled around us, until we floated to stand on our feet.
Sesshomaru jumped up and sets the bag on the grass, then jumped back into the well, and picked me up, jumping to land on the grass and sets me on my feet.

Koga ran up with Miroku, smiling at us.
"Kita you're back?"
Miroku asked, and I nod.

"Been a week and you look about to pop."
Koga joked out.

"Um thanks Koga."
I laugh at his joke.

"I'll carry the bag Sesshomaru."
Koga offers.

Sesshomaru glared at Koga as if to try and die, making Koga sweatdrop.


This book will be discontinued due to I lost the data to it and my internet is so bad I could not back it up.
Including my other Sesshomaru fanfic Sesshomaru Loves A Fat Girl.
I only published this chapter that was already a draft.

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