"Do not say such nonsense" Sesshomaru

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Only Kita Higurashi will have a POV!

Be warned comedy gold here and dirty comedy joking gold....

And someone gets cock-blocked agaaaaain!!

I woke up in the middle of the night, recollecting all that happened.

The beginning and to now....

I came back to Japan, came to stay with Auntie, Gramps and Sota, then I began doing chores, ending up being kidnapped through a well to Feudal Japan.

Meeting my cousin Kagome, her friends, even attending a service for the dead, as well as met Sesshomaru, and meeting InuTaisho his dead father who has been watching over me for most of my life. Then Sesshomaru began to develope feelings for me and saying me wanted me as his mate, kidnapping me, then he protected me alot, and I pranked Inuyasha which was classic. Even Sesshomaru and I did the hanky panky once.
Then finding out about my past I forgot, and it comes to haunt  me as well, and Inuyasha  turned evil, and Sesshomaru was forced to kill him, my cousin is pregnant with Koga's child. Now I'm here back in my era with Sesshomaru and I am upset about my buddies in my gang were murdered because how obsesssed Ray was with me.

Sitting up I run my hand down the front of my throat and sigh. "You are awake?" I heard Sesshomaru say behind the bedroom door.

"Yes, I need to use the bathroom." I say and stand up and unlock the door, and open it, seeing Sesshomaru standing by the railing of the top floor leaning his front forward, his arms laying on the railing, and his arms folded in an X formation over the railing, his wrists and hands dangling that way down to the floor, he merely stares forward and not looking at me.

"We should return soon, to end your suffering from him." Sesshomaru says side-glancing at me with his golden gaze, he never moved his head at all.

"But Yoko said, he will kill us if we hurt Ray, if we convince Ray he can't have me, because Yoko claimed him, then maybe he could listen to reason." I say as I walk passed Sesshomaru and I was stopped by warm arms wrapping around my chest.

"You know that may not help, yet I cannot stand idly by and let him do as he pleases, the sounds of your cries in the room pissed me off he made you suffer so, so much before I met you, I want to erase that suffering forever. Unless Yoko makes his move on Ray, then I have no choice, but to kill the very man who makes you cry within my gaze and my keen hearing to witness." Sesshomaru says and let's me go so I could go to the bathroom. "I will talk to your family today, go do your business, and rest in bed, for the journey back will be a tough one."

I merely obey him doing my business, washing my hands, and put my hands on the rim of the sink. I know Sesshomaru means well, but Yoko knows what I'm going through, he lost all of his friends and was now in Feudal Japan, he feels lonely, and he found his mate in Ray, I bet he could tame Ray from harming me, Yoko wasn't totally harmless, he could harm me and Sesshomaru if we threaten someone Yoko cares about.

I walk out if the bathroom and Sesshomaru was not in the hallway, so I walk back into Kagome's bedroom and found Sesshomaru standing by the window I guess waiting for me to go back to sleep. "You took awhile is something troubling you?" Sesshomaru asked and I shook my head, denying that something was bothering me, and I lay back inside cousin Kagome's bed, and had my back turned to him, closing my eyes.

"Were you up most the night?" I ask Sesshomaru who never answered.

I roll to face him seeing Sesshomaru was laying against the bed frame, sitting up and his eyes closed, his breathing deep and even.
Meaning he was asleep.

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