Shopping Chaos Part 1

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Only Kita Higurashi will have a POV!

I know short chapter but I got errands soon to do sorry which involves bunch of chores.


"K...KITA?!" As I swept the stone walkway of the shrine I perk up turning my head to Auntie and Gramps. Auntie ran up and glomped me in a hug and tears were in her eyes as she kissed my cheeks like crazy and Gramps eyed Sesshomaru nervously, Sesshomaru merely glanced at Gramps then flicked his gaze to Auntie and I.
"We thought you'd be gone forever what happened after that mobster went over to the Feudal Era?!" Auntie asked.

I explained everything that happened, but left the sexual bit out of me and Sesshomaru mating once. "Oh, so he um...did that to you this Ray and you lost memories of it after the coma then. I'm not surprised you forgot who we were and your father for a month until you remembered everything. So this InuTaisho is like a guardian angel then. Gramps was pistol whipped and threw his back out, so we just came back getting it fixed, Getting the appointment took awhile because that specialist is booked with appointments alot." Auntie says and hugged me more. "So has Ray hurt you anymore?"

"No Sesshomaru made sure he hasn't." I say and Auntie gave me a knowing look. "Auntie I know that look." I frown at her.

"I will plan the wedding!" Auntie smiled like an idiot and I fell on my back my feet in the air comedically.

I sat up and scowl at her. "Dear Gawd Auntie I swear you're as bad as Daddy!"

"I know she is." Gramps walked up and gently hugs me. "Is this young lad Inuyasha's brother  they sure look it, with the golden eyes and hair?"

"Yes, but he's a pure blooded dog demon." I reply blushing more.

Gramps tugs my ear to his eye level whispering in my ear. "He fancies and adores you, so you know. I know he wants to be your husband."

I gently pull away from Gramps turning my back to him hiding my embarrassment. Gramps and Auntie laughed and my shyness. "No need to be shy we see how much you two love each other."
Auntie replied.

Sota came running up holding his soccer ball. "Mom Dai asked me to go practice soccer with him at the park be back before dinner." Sota ran down the shrine steps.

"You better be back or I spank you three times young man!" I call to him and he yelped in reply.

Auntie and Gramps laughed. "Sesshomaru the house will be much livelier soon with Kita here, so you might need to get used to it." Gramps says to Sesshomaru who stood up and nods in reply.

"What shall we buy for supper then?" Auntie asked me.

"Cheeseburgers like how Dad fixes them with potato fries." I say to Auntie, who nods.

"I still remember how he fixes them, I will fix them then." Gramps says looking to me. "Don't  forget to buy the mustard, you are a mustard-holic." Gramps joked.

I laugh and so does Auntie, but Sesshomaru looked clueless on the joke. "What is mustard?"

"A vinagar like topping, it's yellow, Kita loves mustard in salty things and certain foods." Auntie says to Sesshomaru. "When she was a child it used to be ketchup now it's mustard. She would only eat certain vegetables if you cake ketchup on it. Now it's the same with mustard in adulthood." Auntie giggled making Sesshomaru look at me oddly.

"Its true and I used to jump off of things scaring the crap outta Daddy too, even off high objects and fall on my side and instead of crying I would giggle my head off." I reply back and Auntie cringed at that as we walk back inside the home and Auntie got her purse and things ready to go.

"We don't know why she did that either." Auntie says. "Ready to go shopping then?" Auntie asked nervously. "Oh, and does he know that he shouldn't try to attack things that are metal? Or make noises."

"Yes, he does he is keeping his swords here at home, that's a rule here. It's against the law to have one in public." I say to Sesshomaru who was not happy by what I said, but nods agreeing he will obey.

"Um, we are riding on the bus, it will be cramped too." Auntie replied nervously as we got ready to walk down the steps of the household.

We walk further down the stone steps all the way down to the bus stop and the bus pulled to the curb and Auntie hands the driver some money, the driver looked at Sesshomaru weird, but Sesshomaru ignored him as we all three filed onto the crowded bus, and I grab ahold of a rope to steady myself given to passengers and Sesshomaru stood behind me, and his chest against my back and head above mine. Sesshomaru puts an arm around my front holding me gently to him, and glared at any males on the bus with a possessive look that I belonged to him.

"Sesshomaru they get it down boy." I whisper to Sesshomaru who merely relaxes and says nothing watching the sceneries go by.

"This place is odd, I see now why Inuyasha visited this place, it is alluring." Sesshomaru says honestly his thoughts about my era.

"Thanks. I'm glad you like this place." I tell him honestly my thoughts, we both were avoiding saying Era, or people would suspect him as not being from this timeline.

"Cool cosplay outfit dude!" One teenager says to Sesshomaru.

"Cosplay? I always wear-" I put my hand over his mouth and do a shushing motion.

"Sorry about that my boyfriend is really into his cosplay character, so he stays in the act 24/7." I say to the teenager who giggled.

"That's  awesome, I wish I had a boyfriend like that!" The teenager smiled at me.

"Thanks?" I say and the bus stopped and Auntie motioned for us to get off, so I squeezed passed many people holding Sesshomaru's hand and we got off the bus.  "Auntie how far is the market?"

"Not far, but when he smells the food please have him try to contain his excitement." Auntie says.

"Oh, and keep him away from Catnip for the love of peace." I say sweat dropping heavily.

"What does catnip do?" Auntie asked and I whisper in her ear and she goes red in the face. "Oh dear then certainly I'll hide Buyo's stash when we get back. But how did you find out?"

"By accident." I say and Auntie giggled. "So we keep him away from the pet supplies too."

"I'm surprised he acted normal when it came to the TV." Auntie replied remembering how Sota said so on the phone whilst Kita and Sesshomaru sat outside eating.

"I fell asleep actually until she whistled." Sesshomaru replied honestly to Kita's Aunt.

"Ha! That's cute." Auntie replied. Sesshomaru gave her a death glare.

"Auntie he only lets me call him cute, so please don't do it again." I say sighing at his behaviour.

Auntie nods sweat dropping. "Ah, here we are."
Standing tall above our heads was The Grand Super Market.

Soon chaos would occur I never thought possible could happen when we would enter.


To be continued....

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