Part 1:| First Battle! And Future Plans?!

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Only Kita Higurashi will have a POV!
Warning some triggers ahead!

Something inside me urged me awake, and I slowly open my eyes finding I was not laying against A-un anymore, but on the ground and warmth engulfed my body.

Focusing my vision, I realised I lay on my side on top of a white long fur pelt, one I recognized as Sesshomaru's fur pelt he hung over his left shoulder.

I heard a sigh behind my back and felt a warm breath hit my neck, and I look over my shoulder seeing Sesshomaru was asleep, deeply asleep, his silver hair glitters and gleams into the moonlight above us, making him look more beautiful and serene as he slept peacefully.

One of his arms was over my hip  stretching to be have his hand limply flat on the fur pelt.

I decided to ask InuTaisho something he might know that I cannot remember, something I know is important I forgot about my past before I was in the coma InuTaisho saved my life from reviving me from the dead, in limbo.

I slowly, yet gently moved Sesshomaru's arm from my hip and stood up, I walk away from camp, making A-un perk up from his slumber watching me leave camp.

I walk far enough so Sesshomaru could not hear me talking nor worry about my safety, and I saw a waterfall cascading from a ridge, the water glitters from the moonlight as it went down into a steaming spring, a hot spring.

"Old man I need to talk to you, it's important." I say putting one hand on my arm, I was kinda scared asking these questions I have, but InuTaisho said since my birth in secret he watched over me in ghost form.

InuTaisho appears sitting on a rock and looked up at me. "You called me quite late. Is something bothering you so?"

"Indeed there is something bothering me. Can you tell me if you know of someone who could come to my Era and try to seek me out to kill me who could be my enemy?" I ask InuTaisho who gives me a painful sad look and looked up to the crescent moon above.

"Yes I do, the person I agonized over what he did to you for years, and he erased those memories each time he did such vile things to you. But when you became in a coma you lost all memories if him once I brought you back to life." InuTaisho says and looks back at me.

"Who is he? What he do to me?" I ask truly wanting to know the truth.

"You will not like what I have to say at all, he did terrible things to you, and he plans to take you back and do them again which is why he is here now." InuTaisho replied narrowing his golden gaze upon me standing in front of him.

"Please tell me. I need to know." I say with a sincere voice, and InuTaisho sighs and fold his arms to his chest and crosses his legs over the other.

"Alright, my son needs to know this as well, knowing the truth he will be most protective and it will bond you two more and he will fight with all his might to protect you, and then he will not turn evil in the future the dead in The Underworld predicted he would become and the future will not be in such chaos."
InuTaisho says and then continues onward to speak. "Before the coma I said I watched over you since birth remember?"

"Yes, I remember but why?" I ask.

"We predicted that another obstacle in the future after your birth would try to steal you away from this Era, as if to stop us to change the future that we saw that was chaotic. We saw this person would steal you and force you to marry him, even though you never loved him. When you were born your bond with my son was formed deep within you, you even dreamed of events happening in our Era, events of things already passed of my two son's adventures. You even dreamed of sexual things about Sesshomaru when you were of age to dream like this. Your bond as his mate at birth was inside you. But that man when you were nineteen would attempt to ruin our plans to save the future, so I was assigned at your birthing to protect you in secret. I did so, and when you beat this person up, they fell for you in a sickening way. But you refused him which was why you beat him up, he vowed revenge for you making him unable to bare children. When you were nineteen you went out drinking with your gang friends. He spiked your drink and he stole you away, violated you over and over for a week then had his medium friend erase it from your memories. Any time you ruined business for him for years in the future he kidnapped you, drugged you and violated you for a week. He sent letters to your father to threaten him to not say anything, he took the secret to his grave Kita to protect you. The medium put up spectral wardings which I never could protect you since I was unable to enter or I would get harmed. Soon when you came to our Era, he found out about it, killing your gang friends, and now he is here searching for you to make you his in sick ways once more." InuTaisho says the lengthy story to me making tears glide down my cheeks in my overwhelmed emotions about this story.

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