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I woke up to the sun attacking my vision. Groaning in distaste, I get up from my makeshift bed, which was simply an old box in an alleyway. I stretch out my paws and give my back a well needed crack.

"Man, I hate sleeping on the hard ground. I wish I could worm my way into some gullible family, but that would be too risky. I don't want anyone finding out what I really am." I say out loud, knowing there was nobody within hearing distance. I wouldn't want someone stumbling across a talking 'dog' now would I?

I casually walk to the end of the alley, stopping to survey the street. It's the same everyday, people rushing to get to work and school alike. Nothing out of the ordinary.

I walk out onto the pavement and head to the place I usually find breakfast. Weaving in and out of the crowds, I slip into another alley a few blocks away from the one I came from. It leads to the back of a ramen shop, where I find a bowl containing leftovers on the ground. I come hear most mornings, so the owners decided to leave food out once they noticed me regularly raiding their bins.


I guess you could say this life is quite comfortable for a stray dog. The only problem is, I'm not exactly a dog. I'm a Wolf Shifter and not just any Wolf Shifter, I'm the second Wolf Shifter of Emotion. (Y/N) of Anger.

I have seven other siblings, Nathan of Fear, James of Sadness, Ashley of Joy, Ethan of Disgust, Kayla of Surprise, Sophia of Trust and Jasper of Anticipation.

I haven't seen my siblings in years and by years I mean hundreds of years. It annoys me that we've lost contact over the years, but I guess it can't be helped. We all have our differences, so naturally we would drift apart eventually. However, we do have two things in common, other than us all being Wolf Shifters of course.

One. We all have the potential of obtaining an Eve. An Eve is like a master to us and we are loyal to our Eve, no matter who they are. I don't currently have an Eve and I don't plan on getting one either. It would be too troublesome and I don't like being ordered around. So an Eve is out of the question.

Two. We all have a burning hatred for Servamps. I know what you're thinking, how could my siblings possess my emotion? It's simple. Our names merely tell you our most dominant emotion. We still have every other emotion, they just don't make an appearance as often as our main one.

Back to the topic of Servamps, they are just like us, but there's one difference. They are vampires. Our mortal enemy by nature. To befriend a Servamp is to betray our own species. That's putting it simply.


After finishing my breakfast, I go on with my daily routine. It's the same everyday and frankly, I'm becoming bored of it. Sometimes I wish something exciting would happen. I mean, there was that vampire attack yesterday, but I'd rather die a miserable and painful death before getting involved with the likes of them.

I decide to take a nap in a nearby alleyway. Probably not the best idea when I'm unfamiliar with this area, but I'm too tired to care.


I am suddenly woken up by a loud yell. I turn around to see a restaurant owner, who I presume stepped out to throw something away.

'Shoot! I shouldn't have been so careless!'

"GET OUT OF HERE YOU DAMN MUTT!!" He shouts, swinging a broom at me.

I successfully dodge the attack and dash out into the streets. I don't look back as I keep running. In my state of panic, I didn't realise that I ran straight in front of a car. By the time I hear the car horn and register what's happening, it's too late.

The car hits me full force, sending me flying across the road and into a building. With my (F/C) fur covered in blood, I struggle to focus. The last thing I see is the blurry figure of a boy running towards me.

To Be Continued...

(A/N: So, what do you think?)

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