Chapter 1

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Previously on The Wolf Shifter's Choice:

I am suddenly woken up by a loud yell. I turn around to see a restaurant owner, who I presume stepped out to throw something away.

'Shoot! I shouldn't have been so careless!'

"GET OUT OF HERE YOU DAMN MUTT!!" He shouts, swinging a broom at me.

I successfully dodge the attack and dash out into the streets. I don't look back as I keep running. In my state of panic, I didn't realise that I ran straight in front of a car. By the time I hear the car horn and register what's happening, it's too late.

The car hits me full force, sending me flying across the road and into a building. With my (F/C) fur covered in blood, I struggle to focus. The last thing I see is the blurry figure of a boy running towards me.


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I groan as I groggily open my tired eyes, looking at my unfamiliar surroundings in confusion.

'Where the hell am I? I remember being hit by a car and then seeing a blurry figure before I passed out'

I survey the room with caution, realising I'm in someone's apartment. A sudden voice causes me to snap my head to it's source.

"I'd rather die than deal with this" a monotone voice mumbles.

I scan the boy sat on the sofa next to me, he has pale blue hair and red eyes with bags beneath them.

'He looks familiar'

I take in a whiff of his scent to identify his unusual familiarity. Sudden realisation hits me and I scowl, releasing a low and threatening growl.

'Servamp' I think in disgust.

"This is so troublesome" he says in a bored tone.

"Why are you here, you filthy leech?" I say in a hostile tone.

"Scary~ I live here" he mumbles, almost teasingly.

A growl rips through my throat as I pounce, aiming my attack for his neck. He dodges effortlessly, landing in the centre of the room. I shift into my human form, glaring at him. My wolf ears perk up on high alert.

"What a violent wolf" he says to himself.

While he's preoccupied, I jump, pinning him to the ground with ease. I smirk in triumph.

"Don't get cocky, blood sucker" I say lowly, my hand firmly around his neck.

"What's going on here?!" A voice shouts behind us, my ears twitch at the volume. "I leave you alone for five minutes and come back to you fighting with a girl on top of you! You're supposed to be watching (Y/N)!"

A sudden flash of (F/C) light fills the room, as the light swirls around my neck and attaches itself to the owner of the voice. My eyes widen in realisation.

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