Chapter 3

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Previously on The Wolf Shifter's Choice:

"I am 'Tsubaki', what of it?" He says in a blank tone.

Mahiru stares at him in fear.

"I caused all this fighting, so what? I want to kill all Humans, Vampires and Wolf Shifters anyhow. It's all me, so what?" He continues.

'He wants my species dead too? That's not happening, I'll stop him regardless of what I have to do' I growl.

He suddenly grabs Kuro and throws him to the side, the shock causes him to change into his vampire form.

"I'm very depressed, you see. Sleepy Ash, or should I say 'Sloth', tell me something interesting. If nothing else, you'd agree that the world is a worthless place, wouldn't you? I say we start a war. How about it, big brother?" He turns his attention to Kuro.


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"Hey!" I gain the guys attention. He gives me an uninterested look.

"What is it?" He questions.

"Look Mosquito, I can see you've got some family issues going on here. However, I'm not going to let you start a war over something as childish as this, especially when you threaten my family as well" I glare at him.

"Childish?" He questions.

"You want your Blood Sucking siblings to notice you, to accept that you are apart of the family, right?"

"But I don't even know him" Kuro interrupts, causing me to sigh in annoyance.

"And this is why we're in this mess. You Servamps won't even listen to an explanation. This is another reason my family hates you, you're not open minded!" I rant.

"That's a bit hypocritical, don't you think?" Kuro adds.

"Excuse me?!" I glare daggers at him.

"You Wolf Shifters makes assumptions about us without getting to know us" he says monotonously.

"That's no-"

Before I can argue back, I get kicked in the side by Tsubaki. I shift into my human form in mid air, and land on my feet with a glare. My ears twitch in irritation and my tail swishes from side to side angrily.

"Don't assume you know my motives, Mutt" Tsubaki gives me an annoyed look.


"Ah, your reaction tells me a lot about you. You must be the 'Wolf Shifter Of Anger', one of the older siblings I believe" he says, unfazed by my outburst.

"You know who I am, so what? Why don't you tell me exactly who you are? You're the only one who can, right" I smirk.

He glares at me, but proceeds to answer the question.

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