Chapter 2

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Previously on The Wolf Shifter's Choice:

"It's scent. It's a Subclass, but the Servamp he belongs two is unfamiliar to me. I can recognise a Servamp's scent. For example, yours is the Sloth sin, Sleepy Ash, but this Subclass doesn't belong to any of the seven siblings" I inform.

"She's clever, but she will still die like the rest" the Subclass sings annoyingly.

"Whatever. I can't be bothered right now" I say, shifting into my smaller Wolf.

I jump on a nearby chair and curl up, intending to sleep.

"Wait, what did you mean when you said all of that?" the boy pleads.

I just shrug and ignore him, now bored with the situation.

"You're just like Kuro" he mumbles.

"What was that?" I growl.

"Nothing!" He squeaks.


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"KURO! DID YOU EAT ALL THE FOOD AGAIN?!" the boy who I know know as Mahiru, yells from the kitchen.

I role my eyes as the two start the bicker.

'I can't wait for this temporary contract to end. I don't know how much longer I can stand these two, especially when one of them is a vampire'

My thoughts are interrupted when Mahiru walks into the room with Kuro in cat form.

"C'mon (Y/N), I need to go to the store. I assume we have a distance limit with your temporary contract too" he says as he rushes around to collect his things.

"You assume correct, Mahiru. At least you're not a slow learner, it makes you less annoying" I say, reluctantly walking over in my small Wolf form.

"I'll take that as a compliment" he grins.


He walks out the door with me following and Kuro on his shoulder. We exit the building and start walking in the direction of what I assume to be the store. As we walk down the street, rustling comes from Mahiru's bag accompanied by incoherent mumbling. He reaches into his bag and pulls out the annoying Subclass.

"What were you doing in my bag?" He questions the doll with an irritated look.

"I'm hungry! I want to drink some blood!" It starts to whine.

"You're a rag doll, but still just as annoying" he replies.

"Hey, look at that kid, he's talking with that doll" a woman not so quietly whispers to her friend.

Mahiru hears her and quickly starts stuffing the Vampire into his bag in embarrassment.

"Hey, what're you doing?! Agh!! Damn brat, Tsubaki is going to kill you!!" It protests.

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