Chapter 4: More Friends and Detention

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Chapter 4: More Friends and Detention


It was Zelda's second day at SSBB High and she was already tired of it.

Yesterday in 5th period consisted of training with Link.

Then in 6th period, she had English with Ike and Link, was pretty much nothing but reading out of a textbook.

It's was now the next day and Zelda walked to 4th period with Peach. It's was History with Mr. Mario. She had heard from Link that he was always a grouch.

Since she had missed 4th period yesterday, it was her first time in his class.

And she was nervous.

She walked into his classroom, Peach beside her, and saw the teacher standing in front of a whiteboard with stoic face.

Peach gave her a small smile before walking to her desk.

"Are you Zelda Harkinian, you sit over there," the teacher pointed to a empty desk in the back after noticing her standing nervously at the door.

"Uhh, okay," Zelda mumbled and walked over to the desk. She suddenly felt relief wash over her when she saw Peach and Ike sitting at there also.

In front of her was Ike and beside him was Peach. Next to Zelda was an empty desk.

"Hey Zellie! I'm so happy you next to us," Peach cheered when Zelda sat down.

"Me too," Zelda motioned to the desk next to her, "Who sits there?"

Ike glanced at the desk and snorted, "Lucina, but she's hardly ever here. She's always in detention or suspended. She's even worse than Link and Roy combined. I wouldn't be surprised is she didn't show up today."

"She's that bad?" Zelda said her eyes widening as she felt terrified sitting next to a troublemaker in one of the hardest classes with the worst teacher.

"I'm worse than bad."

The three look at the person speaking and see a tall girl with long blue hair and bright blue eyes. She wore blue tunic, blue tights, and a cape. In her left hand was a weird looking mask.

She gave Zelda a smirk, "I'm Lucina, it's a pleasure to meet you." She held out her other hand, "and you are?"

"Z-Zelda. I'm new here," Zelda stuttered but made no move to shake Lucina's hand.

Lucina dropped her hand and rolled her eyes, "Well no shit your new. Nobody's ever sat here before and I've never seen you here. Besides, you're all that the school's talking about."

"Then why did you ask who she was?" Peach inquired which her arms crossed.

"Uh, because I want to," She said as she narrowed her eyes at Peach, "Why do you care anyways?"

"Cause she's my friend!" Peach said.

"Yeah, whatever." Ike said as he looked around bored.

"LUCINA! Sit down!" Mr. Mario screamed as Zelda jumped, startled by him.

"Sure, whatever you say, mustache," Lucina winked at him before sitting down in her chair.

"Don't call me that! I will send to the office if you call me again!" He screeched. Suddenly, his anger dissolved, "as I was saying..."

Zelda sat in her desk, twirling her pencil around when a small, folded paper landed in front of her. She turned beside her and saw Lucina grin and gesture to the folded paper. Zelda sighed as she unfolded the paper and read it to herself:

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