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"Y/n, foods ready", you were so deep in your thoughts that Lisa's voice had startled you a bit. Once you finished eating Lisa and you sat at the couch in silence. She decided to break it and say, "So, what happened with you and jimin". You looked away for a moment to stop your tears from falling and then answered her. "He brought home sana and she tried to order me around but I said no, then she pulled my hair and i slapped her". "Jimin came in and-, your lip started to tremble, at the same time tears were threatening to come out of your hazel eyes. "And what y/n, it's okay to cry". You took a deep breath before letting all your tears flow and said, "He beat me", Lisa practically jumped on you while you sobbed into the hug on her shoulder. "It's okay, he doesn't deserve your tears, look what he did to your beautiful face my baby". "Your going to forget about him and your going to start a new life do you hear me?" You nodded and smiled at her. She was the best friend to ever exist towards you and was always there when you needed her to hold you. Night time fell and you were in the guest room right beside Lisa's. You thought about how many nights that you and jimin had spent together cuddling and kissing while watching movies and going on dates. The day it all started jimin was oblivious and drunk, he came home late and you consulted him but he wasn't having it. He dragged you all the way to the living room and was holding your wrist so tight that it was already bruised. Then he said, "Why do you care huh, your such a slut I don't love you I've never loved you". "Why did I marry a whore like you". Tears were making your vision blurry but you still tried to fight back by kicking and only made it worse. He slapped you and punched you stomach until you coughed up blood then left you on the cold floor, like you were nothing, just a piece of trash. That night you cried yourself to sleep not knowing why you didn't tell anyone, not even you parents. And you did the same tonight, cry,cry,cry, until you close your eyes. When you woke up you had the worst headache but still woke up to make Lisa breakfast. You made pancakes, bacon, and eggs and waited for her to come downstairs so you could eat together. She came down with a bed head that made you giggle," Sleepy, I made you breakfast", then she smiled like a child when she spotted the crisp golden blueberry pancakes that awaited her. "Omg y/n you shouldn't have, your too stressed and need to rest", she said pouting. Aish this girl, " I'll be okay Lisa don't worry about me", you said with a weak smile. She ate then headed off to work but before she went out the door she told me to take care if myself and things were going to get better. I hope so.
                           5 MONTHS LATER
After all of the drama with jimin, you moved out of Lisa's house and now have a mansion, and own your own company. You woke up that morning with a smile on your face, and looked over to the baby face that was next to you. Your boyfriend taehyung, he worked along side you as the co-owner of Kim inc. You rubbed his head and said, "babe wake up, time for work". He smiled showing his beautiful box smile and got u to get ready. You put on your button up top and gray pencil skirt then went down to make breakfast. Taehyung came downstairs and gave you a kiss on the cheek. "How is my little bunny", he said holding your waist and giving you a passionate kiss. "Aww taetae I'm fine, how's my 4D alien". "Yah Kim y/n!" You giggled but the tiny moment was ruined by the doorbell ringing. "*Sigh* i'll get it", you walked over to the door, your heels clicking all the way there and opened it and all hell broke loose.

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