Chapter 11: Dance Tryouts

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Kaycee POV

Gym class was okay. I mean we didn't really do anything at all because it was the first day. I got my locker in the locker room and really just talked to Tati and Tahani the entire time. Okay talking is an understatement. It was more like the two of them took the entire class period to convince me to try out for the dance team. I finally gave into their relentless pleads and agreed to try out.

"This is going to be such a great year!" Tahani smiled, and grabbed Tati and me into a hug.

"I agree!" (Tati)

"Same here!" (Kaycee)

We talked for a bit longer until the teacher told us that class was over.

"Come on Kayc," Tati said dragging me down the stairs to the locker room. "We need to get changed for tryouts before everyone else comes down." I freeze, realizing that I didn't have an extra pair of clothes to change into. I mean I could dance in my leggings but if I ruined Kylie's sweater she would kill me. I guess my nerves were showing on my face because Tahani came up to me.

"You are going to kill this Kaycee!! No need to be nervous!"

"Oh it's not that I'm nervous... I mean I am but I uh don't think I can try out anymore," I said.

"Kaycee what's wrong? It took us all of class to convince you and all of a sudden you just don't want to do it anymore?" Tati asked, coming up to Tahani and me.

"Well you see the thing is that I don't have a change of clothes and I can't try out in this sweater because it's Kylie's and she'll kill me if I mess it up."

Tati gets a sly look on her eyes as she grabs her phone and races up the stairs yelling back at us to stay where we were.

"Where is she going?" I ask Tahani.

"I have no idea," she said as she while changing into her dance clothes. I noticed that more and more girls were slowly filtering in and I was wondering where Tati was. I saw her running down the stairs and before I could say anything she threw a grey sweatshirt at me.

"Here take this" she said trying to catch her breath. I grab the sweatshirt and take a closer look at it. At first I thought it was just a plain grey sweatshirt but then I looked at the front. It had "lewser." in big bold white letters on it.

"Wait Tati... is this Sean's??" I ask incredulously.

"Yep! Sean always has an extra set of clothes with him and he had no problem letting you borrow it." Well I guess this is better than not dancing at all. I quickly throw on Sean's sweatshirt and head up to gym to join Tahani. I was waiting on Tati but she said she had to call her mom and not to wait on her.

I stepped in the gym and slowly looked around. There had to be at least a hundred kids ranging from freshman to seniors and I know there's more down on the locker rooms. I can't find Tahani so I made my way to the far corner and started stretching. I was sitting in a split when I saw two pairs of Nike sneakers in front of me. I looked up and saw two girls standing with their arms crossed. Before I could say anything the dark haired one starts to talk.

"Aww look at this little one stretching with a Sean Lew sweatshirt on. She must be an obsessed fan of his," she said smirking at the other girl.

"Ya. She probably won't even make the team. In fact I bet she's only here to see Sean," the second girl said.

I crawl out of my split and scoot deeper into the corner. Unfortunately for me both girls walk towards me, trapping me. The dark haired girl crouches down next to me so we are face to face.

"Listen closely hon. You are never going to amount to anything. Okay? So don't get in the way of the people that can actually make it. Oh and by the way--"

"Get away from her right now," a deep voice snarled. I look up to see Sean with his arms crossed and his face stone cold. The two girls only move back a step and I can tell Sean is about to loose it.

"Nat I'm not fucking around. Move or I will move you." He turns to the other girl. "You too Tate." Tate quickly scrambles out of the way but Nat moved more slowly throwing me a nasty sneer.

"Oh Seanie she's nothing compared to me," Nat said flirtatiously winking at him. As soon as Nat passed him he raced over me, kneeling down.

"Kaycee Rice look at me. I don't care what they said. I know that you are amazing and you bring this light to the floor when you dance. You are such an inspiration and nothing that anyone says will ever convince me, or anyone else, otherwise. So you are going to take what those girls said with a grain of salt and you are going to straight up destroy this audition." I didn't even realize I was tearing up until he wiped my cheek with his thumb. He helps me up and puts his arm around my shoulder. We walk towards our friends and we continue stretching, trying to put what just happened behind us. Josh and Julian were in the middle of telling me an embarrassing story of Sean when the talking suddenly stoped. I looked to the front and realized why.


i'm backkkkk!! i'm so sorry for being super inactive the past few weeks and not posting. ya girl has been super busy and overestimated how long it takes to write. originally this chapter was going to be very very long but I decided to give y'all this part now. the second part isn't completely done and is also in Sean's pov so ig two parts is okay. so the other day i was blessing my eyes by rewatching sean and kaycee's wod qualifiers (which has over 3 million views wHaTeVeN) and just looking through the comments right. so there's this one comment with 46 replys that i'm so pissed at. i highly suggest that if you don't want wod spoiled for you DONT LOOK AT IT. it might not be true but if it is mmmmm. also sean and kaycee are in next weeks duels. you know what else is in next weeks episode? the perfect score. soooo maybe our favs get the perfect score. the only other dancers i think can get it is the rock company (the ones who did the vegas tribute) charity and andres and maybeee jaxon willard. oh and i also have around eight new story ideas (all seaycee) that i will let y'all vote on for which ones to write. that will be coming in two or three chapters. here's a lil sneak peak into some titles for reading this far down. hope for the hopeless- kinda sad and a very different type of story. tragic love story- this is the one i was talking about a few chapters ago. escalate- seaycee is all grown up but they don't know each other and are thrown into a very interesting situation. some other titles include right here right now, vandalizer, and broken halos. thanks for reading, commenting, voting, and dealing with all my bullshit. i love all of you

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