Chapter 13: Weirdo Wednesday

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Kaycee POV

I wake up in a bed that is definitely not mine. I abruptly jump up out of the bed and look around the unknown room. The room is about the same size as mine and all of the furniture, minus the bed, is pushed to the far corner.  There's a few pictures on the dresser that I can't make out but other than that the white walls are bare. I quickly glance around the room trying to find something to defend myself with, just in case, and end up with a thick Harry Potter book.

I slowly make my way to a staircase making sure to look in every door I see. I still have no idea where I am and I'm starting to freak out. As I creep down the stairs I notice someone sitting on the couch with their back to me watching tv. I have two options. I can either go the other way away from the mystery person or I can run right at them and attack them with my trusty Harry Potter book. I decide to attack them and run towards the dark haired guy with a fierce battle cry.

Just as I'm about to jump on him, the mystery person turns around. "Um Kayc you okay there?" Sean asks me.

"What? Yeah of course I am," I say trying to hide the fact that I was about to pummel him with a book.

"Then why were you yelling and running at me with a Harry Potter book hmmmm?"

"Oh this little thing? I didn't even notice it," I say tossing the book on the couch and getting a chuckle from Sean. "So I'm assuming that this is your house right?"

"Oh yeah sorry it is. You feel asleep on the way to Jojo's class and I figured it was best not to wake you up because you've had an eventful day. So I drove home and was planning on bringing you home but your door was locked so I carried you to my room and let you sleep."

"Thanks Sean that was really nice of you. Yeah my mom has a late meeting tonight and my sister is out with friends so no one is home right now. But I probably should head home."

"Hey what if I cook you dinner? My family went out to watch a movie so I'm home alone also. Plus after today I'm not letting you fend for yourself to eat."

"Sean really it's okay. I'll just make some mac n cheese in the microwave or something."

"Nope not happening. First off I have a personal vendetta against microwaves so the fact that you would use it to make your dinner almost made me cry. And you would really rather have some crappy boxed pasta versus Mr. Chopped Jr. champion's dinner?"

"Wait you were on Chopped Jr and you won?!? This is new information to me! Now I'm really staying," I never knew how good Sean was at cooking but now I really want to stay.

"So I was thinking fried chicken and mashed potatoes if that's okay with you. It doesn't really take that long and I have all the ingredients."

"Yes that sounds amazing! Do you mind if I film us? I have a YouTube channel and post Weirdo Wednesdays. I don't have anything planned for this week but if you don't feel comfortable that's okay."

"You should totally film us. Cooking with Kaycee featuring Sean. I have a camera that I never use that we can film on. Lemme go grab it quickly." He races up the stairs as I head towards his kitchen.


okay i have much to say so get ready for a long ass author's note. lets start off with THE MOTHERFING DUELS. as usual Sean and kaycee did amazing and I absolutely loved their performance. they killed it and the shade to 3 xtreme was so sassy. The blindfolds at the end mmmmm. I definitely think that Sean and kaycee and 3 xtreme understood what the duels were and how to approach it. They shaded each other but still cheered the other on when they danced. But um Neyo what do you mean no emotional connection?? the ending sean practically exposed himself by almost kissing Kaycee on national television. (Sean it's "friend tings" remember. pleaseeee stopping playing with my very unstable emotions) like would you ask s rank or the lab for emotional connection nope you wouldn't. and yet he still gave them a higher score than JLo who had nothing but praises for Sean and kaycee. Speaking of scores let's talk about the perfect score. As much as I liked charity and andres's dance I don't think it was 100 worthy. Am I biased yes but it's world of dance not world of lifts. I feel like the judges over scored them and if anything the first perfect score should have been Karen y Ricardo's qualifiers. But like that one jump charity did onto andres's back was incredible you've gotta give them that. so as many of you know I was livestreaming wod last week and it was actually so much fun. I meet so many new people (at the most there were over 125 people watching which is crazy because I did it for like five people and never expected that many. I think I got like 100 followers that night which shocked me because I never post and it not about the numbers for me. I could have zero followers or thousands and as long as I'm doing what I love and I can help others on any way possible I'm happy) and for some reason the majority of people didn't mind listening to me talk during commercials, which there were wayyyy too many of let's be real. Someone mentioned that my laugh sounded like kaycee's and I thought about it and it lowkey does. I've always hated my laugh, along with my voice, but this fandom made me hate it less. I plan on going live every week for my international world of dance fans. Even if it's just one person I'll keep it going for you. I'll be live later today for it just the tv will be smaller than last time because I'm in a rental house for vacation. I figured out why the live didn't save so I know how to do it this time. also sorry this chapter is so late and kinda choppy i've been busy watching twelve year olds playing baseball for the past few days and I'm super sick. Ya girl has a 102 fever and is currently dying. So this chapter is definitely not my best whoops. Speaking of chapters, thanks to everyone who voted for the new book i should write. Wow that was a horrible transition. But really thank you because now I know which ones everyone likes. Which is everything. Y'all might me more indecisive than me but it's probably my fault because I gave so many options and so many people voted for it because I begged y'all to. I've narrowed it down to the top three vote getters and will be starting the new book soon. This one is going so slow that I might skip a month or so because its taken me 13 chapters to get through five days. But I do have a lot planned and from the people I've told where this book is going the feedback has been good. I love all of you. 

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