{date 2: benjamin austin}

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"He's taking you to McDonalds on your first date?" Val asks in disbelief and disgust. 

I nod my head.

"Oh honey no..." Val shakes his head in disapproval. 

"I think it's funny. Plus, I love McDonalds. I'm like five at heart," I defend as I brush my silky chestnut hair.

"Well let me know how that goes. Sounds disgusting to me," Val responds critically, taking the brush from my hands and brushing my hair himself. He plugs in a curling iron and lets it heat up.

Val and I have actually became good, but very strange friends. He's all I have to talk to around the house for the week because the boys and I are not allowed to communicate before our first date. Everyone needs a gay best friend anyways.

Val curls my hair into cute waves and puts me in some denim shorts and a t-shirt. 

"If he wanted a McDonalds date, you're going to dress casual," Val states, handing me a blue pair of Chuck Taylors to put on. I slip them on and grab my phone. 

"Good luck with Benjamin," Val says seductively. "Let me know what dirty drama goes down in McDonalds," He jokes with a wink. I cringe and shake my head.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Val," I complain. This guy always has to make things sexual. 

I meet my date at the front gates so we can get a taxi. Ben explained later that he flew here so he didn't have a car. Therefore, some of the guys have cars and some, like me, have to walk or take public transportation. Yay.

Benjamin Austin is yet another cute guy. He's tall and built with curly blonde hair and striking ocean blues. He looked like the classic all-American pretty boy. Admittedly, I wasn't a huge fan of his style though. Preppy boys weren't my type and his pastel blue shorts and boat shoes were screaming preppy to me. 

"Harper!" He calls me over with a grin, showing off his perfect smile. 

Although I was secretly jealous of how perfectly pampered and wealthy he looked, I politely smiled back and shook his hand, "Benjamin!"

"You can call me Ben."

"Ben!" I repeat, correctly this time.

"To be honest, I just wanted to go to McDonalds to see if the ice cream machine is broken or not," Ben admits sheepishly, scratching his head of curls.

"I bet it is," I deadpan.

"I bet it isn't," Ben snaps back with a devilish smirk. "Let's bet on it then," He pulls out a five dollar bill from his wallet. "If we get there and the machine is broken like you think, I'll give you this money. If it does work and I win the bet. you owe me ice cream," Ben declares with a grin.

"You're on."

I eventually went home with five dollars. Of course the McDonalds ice cream machine is broken. When is it not?

Ben and I made it safely to McDonalds even though our taxi driver looked like he had a shed full of kidnapped children. No offense to our taxi driver. Just saying.

We walk up the the cash register when it's open. Ben steps in front of me to order first. 

Apparently chivalry is dead.

"One vanilla milkshake," Ben orders from the young girl at the counter. 

"I'll have chocolate!" I pipe in from behind him.

"Ew how can you like chocolate?" Ben asks in disgust as I sip my delicious chocolately milkshake.

I give him a death glare, "How can you not like chocolate?"

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