Stupid Phone!

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Clary Point Of View
I pick up my phone and see a text from Izzy.

Izzy: sorry, got distracted with Simon Lewis, he's an amazing kisser!


A little late for that Isabelle! I roll my eyes. My phone then starts ringing.

Mom is calling...

Fudge! Shut the fudge balls up! I quickly decline the call and almost drop my phone in the toilet while I tried to do the simple task. "Hold up, is someone there?" I hear Jace's voice. I take a deep breath and close my eyes praying to anyone up there for them not to find me out.
"Someone's in there," I hear Alec's voice. I hear the lock get picked. I open my eyes just as the door opened, only to see a naked Jace and Alec, I squeak and close my eyes. I hear Jordan Kyle start laughing.
     "Oh my god Jace!" He says In between laughs. "It's your stalker!" Jordan says. "How desperate do you have to be to come into the boys locker room just to look at Jace?"
       "Very desperate, Kyle," Jace says. I could almost feel the obnoxious smirk in his voice.
"Please," I say with Fake confidence. "Why would I go inside a zombie BO smelling locker room for someone like you?" I ask. "No, I came in here for someone much better," I say looking at Jace in the eyes. I tried m best not to look down.
      "Oh yeah? Like who?" Jace asks. Shitzu!
     "Like...Ronald!" I say. No! Not Ronald!
     "Ronald McDonald?" Alec asks.
      "Wait....our Ronald? Ronald Grosh?" Kyle asks.
      "Yup, that Ronald." NO! Shut up mouth!
       "Man....chicks have weird taste now.." Kyle says as he backs away.
       "You're telling came into this... what was it? Zombie BO, smelling locker room for that?" Jace asks as he pointed to Ronald Grosh.

Ok, so imagine this guy with glasses and like

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Ok, so imagine this guy with glasses and like...ten times more gross. Because In all honesty...he isn't as gross as I pictured ronald to be.... but, he was the closest I could find... (I'm not trying to make fun of anyone ok!)
    "Yeah...that Ronald..." I say. "Anyways, I have to go...I'm working on figuring out how to ask him out, bye!" I say and walk out of the locker room.
      "Oh my god Clary! How did t go? Are you ok?"Izzy asks.
     "NO! It's not! They caught me in there! I had to play it off as if I wanted to date Ronald Grosh!" I say angrily.
      "What?! Grosh?! Oh my god Clary!" Izzy says.
"At least I got the itch powder in his underwear....and I deleted my drool pics," I say.
"OMG! You went through his phone?!" Izzy asks.
"Yes...and he got a text from Alec...about me.."
"OH MY GOD CLARY!" Izzy says. "What did he say?!" She asks. I explain the texts.
"I mean it's obviously a stunt, right?" I ask.
"NO! Clary! Open your stupid eyes! Jace wants to date you!!!! You have to go back in there and tell him you would give him a chance!" Izzy says.
"No! Hell no! I told you! I'm not trusting anyone like Toby!" I say.
"Jace isn't like Toby,"
"You don't know that! And besides... I said I liked Grosh," I tell Izzy. She rolls her eyes.
"Grosh?! You're seriously picking Ronald Grosh over Jace Herondale?!" Izzy asks. She's right, i mean, if you do a side by side, it looks like I'm nuts for picking Ronald Over Jace.

    But after Toby

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But after Toby....I just can't. I can't . "Yeah...I'm going with Grosh," I say and walk out of the room.

Jace Point Of View
    I couldn't help but feel Jealousy towards Ronald. It irritates me even more that She prefers a gross disgusting nerd over me! Why the hell would she rather that pig than me! I put on my clothes and close the door.
       "Hey Jace," I hear Ronald's obnoxious voice say.
        "WHAT?!" I yell.
         "Jesus! I just wanted to know when you leave for school,"
         "What why?!" I ask.
        "Um, Well, my mom told me to tell you she wants you to give me a ride to your house..."
        "Why the fuck do you want to go to my house?" I ask.
         "I dunno! Your dad was supposed to text you or somethin," Ronald says. My phone then blings with a text from my dad.

Dad: Hey Kiddo, do me a favor and drive Ronald Grosh home from school, I'll tell you why when you get home

     "Anywho, you need to stay after school, I have robotics for half an hour and Gaming club for another half," Ronald says. I groan and roll my eyes.
       "Fine, I'll wait for you at the parking lot," I say as I walk out of the locker room, as I do I felt my private start itching. Shit.

~After school~

    I smile as I flip over the scrap book. It was Calissa and My twin book. Like when we took our first steps together. When we were at the beach, our ballet performance. Tears pool in my eyes. I keep flipping through the scrap book. Tears rolled down my eyes.


   I get up and go downstairs. I get on my bike and pedal towards a place I haven't been at since last summer.


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