Period 1-not an entry

14 1 3

~~~~~~~Class first period~~~~~~~~

"Good morning class.My name is Dr.Klaus Hale, and I am your H.A.P. language and History teacher for the year, that is for the people that will stay the whole year. Given that this is the highest class in the country offered; I think by the end of the year the will probably be 5-10 of the people in this room today that will still be here by the end of the year. Any questions? Or can I continue my speech? Okay, you in the blue jacket, ask ahead" Dr.Hale spoke loud.

J.Mason;" Hey name is Jalhian Mason, I just wanted to know why we can't sit down, where are the chairs?"

Dr.Hale: " Good question, I got rid of them. I ordered better chairs, they should be coming any second now. If you are dying to sit some where there is plenty of floor. Now where was I ?Ah yes, you guys might be wondering why I look so young, well because I am. I am 17 years old and I am three years older than my brother. Grimm, please; step forward, then use your little brain to introduce yourself."

Grimm;"As I step forward.Step-step, Hello and I'm this d**khead's brother, please call me Alaric, I prefer not to have the same name as someone in the same room as me-Carrowline. But if you insist call me Grimm. Is thy what you wanted, Klaus?"

Dr.Hale;" Yes that's good enough for you. Go in the hale before I choke you, would yah?"

Grimm;"Yes ma'am, best wishes to the class. Im out"

Dr.Hale; "Excuse my brothers childish behaviour. I will continue. Some of you might be wondering how I came to be a 17 year old H.A.P. teacher. What better way to explain than using a diagram."

Dr.Hale started drawing how he had worked his way up to graduation high school in one year, and the worlds smartest college in two. He knew that he was smart, surely he would be cocky about letting you know it. He also told a story of when he was a boy, he always thought he could read minds but later realized how childish that was; when his father set him straight by giving him a good whipping and locking him in the family cellar. He gave details of how his father would let him out for days and when he did he'd threatened him if he told anyone he would kill him. Grimm never had these problems.

In Dr.Hales voice you could tell that Grimm never being touched by the dark part of his fathers soul, beaten by the hand that he thought loved him, was the core of anger that he had towards hating his younger brother.

The story went on, as well as class.

Dr.Hale;"Okay class, every one will stand in the front of the room, state there name, and tell the rest of us a little about you."

Few passed till Kylie Grayson was called up.

"Heyyyy- My name is Kylie Grayson, and umm I was born from a southern family. I'm from South Carolina.I moved when i was 5,but my accent is pretty strong because my parents are straight from South Carolina and the family genes are pretty strong I guess. Also I kind of talk with a big smile on my face because I have big teeth but not buck teeth, and I was raised to haha."


"Hello, ah-excuse me but I'm kind of a shy speaker so here goes nothing. My name is Carrowline Grimm..."

Dr.hale," Your whole name please, you have such a beautiful name, tell me it all."

Carrowline-"okayy, if you want it, you got it. Carrowline Anne Valentine Deatreous Grimm, I'm many race but mostly the the ones not from around this country. I'm Greek, Bulgarian, British, English German,Russian, Italian and Spanish.I was born in North Dakota, so that makes me American too.Fun fact about me, I know all these languages as well as many more. I have mostly green eyes and I'm pretty cool once you get to know me."

Dr.Hale "I do plan on getting to know you, very well. All of you very well hopefully."

Carrowline looked at him, like he was a creep.

Next was Grimm, he was allowed back into the room.

Grimm," Ugh, Name is Grimm Alaric Hale. I'm the good kid in my family. Klaus, is something else, and that's all I have to say."

He stared at his brother cold hearted.

Then came Jay.

J.mason:" Jalhian Mason, I'm Austrian and Australian, also of corse English. And I really hope to make friends with all of you."

The rest of the students said there names and things about them. Then Dr.Hale started to talk again. He assigned every one their seats and told everyone about the school.

The bell rings everyone literally jumps out of there chairs and walks out.

Dr.Hale,"Carrowline, please stay after class. I will give you a pass when I'm done. Shut the door too."


Cliffhanger or what!!!???

Sorry guys I thought I would make it more suspenseful.


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