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"Is it too early to say I love you?"

His words rang in my ears over and over again. My heart stopped.

"Kacchan... are you okay? I'm sorry if I overstepped-"

I pulled him into a tight hug.

He wrapped his arms around me and placed his head in the crook of my neck.

"It would never be too early."

He pulled away. "So... you're okay...?"

"Yeah... Yeah. Completely."

He chuckled. "Good. You made me nervous."

I thought back to the way my mother had reacted to my questions all those years ago. How was I to be happy, without her beside me?

"Hey Deku...?"


"I'm scared to tell her about us."

"Your mom?"

I nodded. "She has this thing against gay people because of my dad... and her knowing that my soulmate is a guy, I know she'll flip." I dropped my head into my hands. "What do I do if she-"

"Look at me."

Izuku slowly lifted my chin, letting our eyes meet.

"You'll be okay. Even if she doesn't accept you, we'll always have eachother. Okay?"

I placed my hand on top of his and pulled it away from my cheek.

"That's easy for you to say... your mom still loves you..."

"Hey. We had our fights. Do you really think she let me off that easily?"

He sighed.

"Look, you have to tell her. Maybe not now, but at some point. I'll be with you. One hundred percent."

"God I love you." I said, pulling him violently into a kiss.

He fell forward on top of me as the kiss deepened. If that was even possible.

Everything about him was perfect. His sparkling eyes, his messy hair, his smooth lips.

I think, that was the day I knew, I wanted us to be together forever.

Thank god we were soulmates.


"Oh, hey Katsuki. Did you finish up your project yesterday?"

When I had woken up this morning, I packed a bag full of all of my favorite and most important possessions. Just in case this went horribly wrong. I hoped it wouldn't.

"Yeah... we finished."

"Good." She looked up from the counter she was scrubbing. She spent a good amount of time in the kitchen. "You look upset...?"

I tried to contain the tears. But, alas, I could not.

"Why are you crying?" She dropped her sponge and ran over to pull me into a hug.

For a while, I sobbed into her shoulder. I didn't think I'd act this way.

"I love you so much mom."

"Katsuki... what is it?"

When I pulled away and wiped my eyes, the look on her face felt like knives.

Her brows were furrowed and her mouth, agape.

"Will you promise that, no matter what I say, you'll still- love me?"

Feeling For You (Bakudeku) Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now