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((I wrote this a while back and I imply many times that soulmates can't be away from eachother for a few seconds without their hearts starting to hurt... it's a concept that I'm going to explain better later but basically, younger soulmates have a harder time with it, hence why the students take a specific part of this chapter so seriously :) also, sorry for not updating in so long.))


"New seating chart." Aizawa announced, rolling his eyes. "Since we had a few issues with the last one. From now on, anyone that has a soulmate in the school must report it to me or the principal, or any other administrator so that we can separate students that have a greater chance of getting... distracted in class."

Momo raised her hand. "Sir, was there a specific issue in this class period? Many of us would prefer not to be moved if you'll allow it."

Aizawa stepped forward, placing a sheet of paper on his desk. "There will be no exceptions. Please come to the front to find your new seat."

I sighed, my eyes falling to the floor. What was the point of having a class with Deku if he wasn't allowed near me?

"Uhm," Deku said, once he looked over the seating chart. "May I ask a question?"

"You just did." Aizawa spat. "But whatever."

"Sir, will there be any restrictions on partner or group work? I know that I work best with Bakugo, and I'd rather not have that option taken away from me."

"Maybe when you stop making a scene of staring at him everyday, I'll consider it. But for now, no. Find someone else, Midoriya."

Deku glanced at me, a hint of sadness in his eyes before trudging over to his new seat.

"What are the odds? There's actually a set of soulmates in this room right now? So we all have to suffer?" Jiro said, plopping down many feet from her usual group of boys.

"Seriously. He could've just moved the two kids. Whoever they are." Mina said.

"Settle down." Aizawa said. "I moved all of you so that I wouldn't embarrass anyone who didn't wish for their secret to be known to the entire class. But, based on past events, you should all already know who it is. And I guess that is partially my fault."

The redhead beside me hung his head. "Yet you still managed to move him..." He whispered under his own breath.

Kaminari stared out the window at the other side of the room. His eyes were devoid of any joy, and one was completely covered by his dirty blonde locks.

From what I could tell, Deku and I weren't the only ones in this class with a soulmate.

"Whatever. You can handle these seats for however long I'm choosing to keep them. Now, back to work."

As Aizawa spoke, I zoned almost completely out. I was consumed by thoughts of Deku. And that kid beside me, there was no way in hell he was listening either.


"Bakugo, Midoriya. Welcome back." Nezu said. "How've you been handling Aizawa's new policy?"

"I bombed that last assignment..." I mumbled.

"Why do you think that is?"

"I couldn't concentrate."

Deku spoke. "I'm sure we weren't the only ones. Barely anybody could think with that new setup."

"Is that so? Can you think of anyone in particular?"

"I don't think we're the only ones in that class with this situation." I said bluntly. "That's all you need to know."

"I knew I shouldn't have suggested this..." Deku murmured.

I sighed, hooking our pinky fingers underneath the table as I turned back to Nezu. "If you want to know who, it doesn't take much to figure them out..."

"Impressive, Mr. Bakugo. Are you implying that I should run some investigation against soulmates in your class period? Because I don't plan on it. This was purely Aizawa's doing. I had no say, but the school board ultimately agreed with him. If you want out, you'll have to convince them yourself."

"We can't do that." Deku said. "They'll never go for it."

"Maybe not if it's just us. But I think I may know who can help us..."

"Are you sure?"


"Great. I look forward to seeing whatever progress you do or don't make." Nezu said, shooing us out.

We stepped out of the office, and I sadly pulled my hand away from Deku's.

"You know what to do?" I asked him.

He smiled. "Oh yeah, I think I've got this."

"Love you?" I spoke.

"Love you."


"Why should I help you?" The redheaded boy scoffed as he turned away. "You're the reason we're even in this situation in the first place."

I sighed, letting my eyes hit his lunch tray instead of the back of his head. "Look, I know how it feels to be separated like that. Being in the same room as your soulmate in a school-like setting without being allowed near them, or allowed to work with eachother on any measly partner assignment? It sucks... but I think it sucks worse for you than me." He turned back toward me. "Am I right in saying that?"

His eyes were dull and lacking the usual happy energy that filled them. "Kaminari, and I, we've been together for a long time." His voice cracked as he shook with nerves. "And being so used to eachother, I guess you could say it hurts to be away from him for even a second."

"So, you understand, right?"

No reply.

"Why don't you help me then?" I asked.

He shrugged, his expression still saddened. "Rules are rules. If they hurt me, I'll still follow them. No matter how much I want them gone."

"What if you could get them gone?"

He plopped his head into his hands. "That would be perfect, but you know you can't do that." He sighed, and I could hear the pain in his shallow breathing. " know, school is the only time I actually see him? I can't even take him home for holidays or anything because I'm scared of what my family will say. I know you want my help, but there's no way with me being in the closet that you could convince me. I'm sorry, Bakugo. We'll all just have to suffer a little while."


A single tear slipped out from his eye. "If you're so set on fixing this, do it yourself. I have too much to loose."

"We can't be around our soulmates." I shot.


"We, can't be around the people we love under any circumstance in this school because of one stupid teacher. We can change this."

"You know I can't-"

"Even if you have much to loose, it's worth attempting. As you said, school is all that the two of you have. I won't let Aizawa take that away from you."

He nodded, a few more tears falling onto the table top. "Thank you for trying... but I can't..." He sighed. "I really hope you can do it without me."


"How'd it go with Kaminari?" I asked almost the second we got off of school property.

Deku smiled, taking my hand in his own. "I might have convinced him."

"What'd you even say?"

"I gave this really dramatic speech about how important it is that he see Kirishima everyday even if his parents can't know." He said. "But I think I really did get him on board."

I glanced at the familiar gleam of happiness in his eyes as I let a little smirk come across my face. Maybe we could do this. Maybe we could change these rules.


Feeling For You (Bakudeku) Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now