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Gilbert with the help of Bash had carefully decided the way he would enter back into Avonlea, he would stop at his farm first, to make sure everything was in order. Then he would stop by Green Gables to say hello to Anne and thank her for writing him, maybe even confess his feelings for her.
The first part of the plan went flawlessly, the fields were in good shape, Anne had mentioned that during his absence Matthew had tended the fields, which he was eternally grateful for. After he had made sure everything was in order he made his trek towards Green Gables. He took the shortcut through the forest and took his time admiring the scenery. As much as he loved traveling and seeing new places, he knew Avonlea would forever be his favorite place. When Green Gables came into view he felt his heart skip a beat, he was nervous to see Anne, the one girl who had not fallen at his feet and kept him on his toes academically and mentally as she was always challenging him, even through letters she was always correcting his grammar. Although he purposely made mistakes to ensure she would continue to write him, not that he'd ever tell her that.
He saw Jerry tending to the horses, and he waved hello politely. Typically he'd stop and make conversation but right now all his attention was focused on seeing Anne again.
He knocked on the door lightly, he heard footsteps approach and Marilla Cuthbert opened the door. The look of shock was priceless on her face. She ushered him inside and led him to their couch.
"Mr.Blythe it is so good to see you! Anne mentioned that in your letter you had said you weren't going to be returning any time soon."
"I wanted to surprise her. If you don't mind me asking where is she now?"
"Oh she is with Cole, they always walk around the forest together after school."
"Cole Mackenzie? I didn't know him and Anne were acquaintances."
"Oh yes. He has become quite the handsome young man."
"Well I'm going to go back home it was very nice to see you. Please give my thanks to Matthew for taking care of my farm."
"Of course. Best wishes to you Mr.Blythe."
He stood up and shook Marilla's hand politely. As he walked back home he couldn't help but think of Cole and Anne. Were they an item now? If they were how come she had never mentioned him in her letters? He couldn't help but feel a slight twang of betrayal. As he was taking his shortcut back to his house he heard giggles coming from deeper in the forest. He decided to investigate. It took him a little bit to figure out what direction the laughter was coming from, he turned around a couple trees when a small clay sculpture caught his eye, it looked like a dancer, with it's arms above it's head and one leg suspended behind it. It was mesmerizing. He continued to look around and found dozens more, each making a different pose. The sculptures guarded a small house, the planks leaning against each other and smoke billowed out of a small wooden chimney. His interest was peaked, he walked up to the house and moved aside the blanket that was acting as a make-shift door.
He came faced to face with Anne she was laughing as a boy braided her hair. His best guess was that the boy was Cole Mackenzie. Once he had finished Anne gave him a tight hug.
"Hello Anne"
Both Anne and Cole sprang apart in surprise. Her eyes lit up once she saw his face, but Gilbert felt to betrayed to notice.
"Gilbert! I didn't know you had returned!"
"I wanted it to be a surprise." He snapped at her.
"What's with the attitude Gilbert?"
"Nothing, I just realized that all that time I was on that ship you were the one occupying my thoughts, and you didn't have the decency to tell me you have a new beau."
He stormed out before she could respond. He was furious, if she would have told him maybe it wouldn't have been so hard seeing her with him, and maybe the feeling of betrayal wouldn't be so prominent.
He heard footsteps behind him, he didn't turn around, he couldn't face Anne at the moment.
"Anne please leave me alone I need to think for a moment."
"I've been waiting for the day I'd meet infamous Gilbert Blythe. Although this definitely wasn't the meeting I'd envisioned." Gilbert turned surprised, he hadn't been expecting Cole to be the one to chase after him.
"Infamous," he scoffed,"hardly."
"Mhmm. That is the biggest lie I've ever heard. You're spoken about as if you are a mythological hero," that made Gilbert let out a low chuckle.
"Why did you come after me Cole? Obviously I'm not in a talking mood right now."
"I just wanted to tell you Anne is not my beau. She doesn't see me that way and I don't see her that way either. Before I tell you anything else I think you need to talk to Anne. Just go back to the cottage, she's really distraught."
Gilbert felt slightly guilty, he knew he had overreacted but he just felt so angry.
"I'm sorry I blew up I was just so angry."
Cole simply smirked and said"no you were jealous."
Gilbert was shocked at this but said nothing, deep down he knew this was true. So he nodded at Cole and walked back towards the cottage. He pulled back the blanket and came face to face with a red faced Anne, she had tear stained cheeks, but there was no trace of sadness in her eyes only anger.
"How could you accuse me of lying to you? Or keeping something from you? I didn't view Cole as a good discussion topic, so what?Just because I didn't tell you doesn't mean you can come storming in here and accusing me of forgetting about you!" He knew the anger had left her when she whispered "I could never forget about you, as much as I may have wanted to."
He knew he wasn't meant to hear the last part so he decided not to comment on it.
"I'm sorry, I just felt betrayed. You were the only person I thought about when I was away. You kept me going, and some part of me hoped my letters were doing the same for you. So when I saw you two I was jealous. Jealous that he may be that for you, and I was angry at myself for leaving and possibly missing my chance with you."
"Cole is gay." Anne whispered very quietly.
"What?" Witnessing Anne and Cole had been shocking, but this confession was ground breaking.
"No one took your place while you were away Gilbert. Why do you think I wrote that first letter? Because I missed you. I missed my academic rival, I missed your teasing. I missed your smile. I even missed you calling me carrots. As much as I tried to deny it Gilbert, I care about you. I befriended Cole because I realized when I first got here how hard it is to truly feel accepted. And you had helped me feel accepted and I was trying to help Cole feel the same way you made me feel. Like I was apart of something."
The guilt was overwhelming now, he noticed that a tear had sprung loose out of her eye so he reached up and wiped it away.
"I missed you so much Anne."
"I missed you too Gilbert."
He pulled her into a hug and rested his chin on the too of her head. He breathed in through his nose, savoring the moment.
He realized it wasn't the romantic encounter Bash had helped him plan out but he realized it was something much better. It was the start of a new era, the era of Anne and Gilbert.

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